
  1. 基于以上研究结果,建议以沉积物中TN的含量作为赤潮监测的因子。

    Based on those conclusions , it is article suggested that the content of total nitrogen in the sediment was taken for monitoring factor of red tide .

  2. 应用遗传神经网格方法分析赤潮监测数据

    Analysis of Red Tide Monitoring Data Using Genetic Neural Network Method

  3. 赤潮监测网络的数据库建模和系统实现

    Database modeling of red tide monitoring network and system implementation

  4. 赤潮监测和预报的构想

    The Methods on Monitoring and Prediction of the Red Tide

  5. 赤潮监测技术及其应用

    Monitoring Technologies of Red Tide and Application

  6. 最后,简要说明了建立在数据库建模基础上的赤潮监测网络的系统实现。

    Finally , it gives a brief direction about system realization based on database modeling .

  7. 本文提出应尽快建立我国赤潮监测监视网,指出建立中国赤潮监测监视网的条件己成熟;

    A red tide monitoring and watching network in China is suggested to be established as soon as possible .

  8. 光合作用活性原位测量可以获取水体浮游植物的生长状态信息,是水华和赤潮监测和预警的重要参数。

    Photosynthesis activity can represent phytoplankton growth state information , and is one of the most important parameters for " HABs " monitoring and early warning .

  9. 因高光谱辐射计可以获取每小时或者更短时间尺度的数据,因此,装备了高光谱辐射计的光学浮标可用于赤潮监测与预警系统。

    Since the hyperspectal radiometers can obtain data at1 hour interval , the moored optical buoy equipment with hyperspectral radiometers can be used for algal bloom observation and monitoring system .

  10. 提出了中国赤潮监测监视网建设的构想和监测监视工作的主要区域与内容。

    " The red tide monitoring and watching network of China " is conditionally approved to be set up now , and its conception and its working areas and contents are described .

  11. 高光谱遥感赤潮监测具有大面积、实时或准实时、成像和相对廉价等优势,尤其在赤潮水体光学性质研究方面具有广阔的前景。

    Hyperspectral remote sensing to monitor red tide has advantage of real time or near real time , imaging and comparative cheapness , especially has broad prospects in the optical properties of red tide water .

  12. 为建立赤潮监测机制,设计了一种集海水采样、试剂抽取、化学反应、吸光度测量、管路清洗的全自动海水营养盐分析系统。

    For prediction of red tide , an auto analysis system of seawater nutrients was designed , which simultaneously combined the functions of sampling seawater and reagent , chemi-cal reactions , measuring absorbance of samples , and cleaning pipes .

  13. 浮游植物分类识别和定量检测是赤潮监测技术的主要研究内容,活体荧光法不仅能提供丰富的光谱信息,而且灵敏度和选择性高,不需要使用有机溶剂,因而得到广泛应用。

    Classifying and quantifying phytoplankton is an important task in marine red-tide monitoring . The in vivo fluorescence method can provide abundant information and avoid using organic solvent . With high sensitivity and selectivity , it has been widely used in scientific research .

  14. 采用常规水文气象观测与赤潮现场监测相结合方法,探讨厦门西海域一次中肋骨条藻(skeletonemacostatum)赤潮的物理成因。

    Adopt with the method of hydrology meteorological observation of the routine and red tide monitors by scene combined together , to probe into the physics origin cause of formation of a red tide ( Skeletonema costatum ) in the West Sea Area of Xiamen .

  15. 赤潮的监测技术和防治措施

    Monitoring Technology , and Prevention and Control Measures for the Red Tide

  16. 赤潮的监测和防治简介

    Monitoring , Prevention and Control of Red Tides

  17. 中街山列岛海域赤潮应急监测

    Algae Bloom Monitor in Zhoushan Archipelago Sea Area

  18. 本文就赤潮遥感监测系统的软件构成和构建进行了系统的介绍。

    This papers focus on the monitoring system software of red tide and how to make .

  19. 对海洋浮游植物资源的利用与赤潮的监测离不开对海洋浮游植物进行分类和鉴定。

    The resources utilization and the monitoring of red tide on marine phytoplankton can not be separated from Marine Phytoplankton classification and identification .

  20. 赤潮遥感监测系统主要由硬件支持系统,包括实时卫星数据源接收系统、数据存储系统、数据处理终端和产品输出与传输终端等。

    The system was made with the near real-time satellite data receive system , satellite data storage unit , process system and product output & transmit system .

  21. 建议建立赤潮立体监测体系、赤潮信息管理系统、海产品赤潮毒素卫生检疫制度和赤潮应急响应机制,全面加强长江口海域的赤潮监控与防治工作。

    This data suggests that , in order to strengthen management and mitigation of red tides in this area , a solid monitoring system for harmful algal blooms , an information management system , a quarantine system for marine products possibly contaminated by habs and rapid-response system must be established .

  22. 东海赤潮及其监视监测SEA的侦察与监测系统效能分析

    The Effectiveness Analysis of the Reconnaissance and Surveillance ( S & R ) System Based on SEA

  23. 在对海洋赤潮的监视监测中,航空遥感是重要的监测平台,推帚式成像光谱仪(PHI)是获取高分辨率高光谱图像的重要手段。

    As a much more important manner for red tide monitoring than any other remote sensing method , Pushbroom Hyperspectral Imager ( PHI ) can obtain abundant high resolution and continuous hyperspectral data .

  24. 分子生物学技术在赤潮毒素分析监测中的应用

    Application of Molecular Biotechniques in Red Tide Toxin Analysis and Monitoring

  25. 赤潮灾害的监测和预报作为一个国际性的难题已引起人们的高度关注和重视。

    The monitoring and prediction of red tide is an open issue which has attract high attention .

  26. 通过对2002年至2004年浙江中、南海域赤潮发生的连续监测分析,表明浙江中、南海域的赤潮高发期集中在每年的4月至7月,近年来赤潮发生规模和频率呈上升趋势。

    Based on the continual monitoring data of red tide from 2002 to 2004 in the center and south coastal area of Zhejiang , the result showed that the red tide frequently occurred from April to July every year , in recent years the trend of scale and frequency rises .

  27. 其中,快速有效的鉴定赤潮主要藻种是赤潮自动监测中的一个重要环节。

    Therefore , identifying the dominant species of red tide rapidly and effectively plays an important role in automatic monitoring of red tide .

  28. 利用2002&2004年浙南海域浮游植物的多次调查资料,对发生在浙南海域常见的赤潮生物进行分析整理,为赤潮的常规监测和应急监测提供背景资料。

    Based on the investigation data of phytoplankton from 2002 to 2004 , the present situation of red tide plankton was described along the south coastal area in Zhejiang Province .

  29. 通过对典型事例的分析,阐述了航空监视赤潮存在的问题,提出了完善航空遥感监视监测方法和加强赤潮监视监测网络建设等建议。

    Through analysis of case history , the paper expounds problems in aerial surveillance of red tide and suggests we should perfect the aerial remote-sensing surveillance method of red tide and strengthen network building of red tide and so on .

  30. 本文系统回顾和总结了近20a来东海区赤潮发生特点,以及在东海区开展的赤潮监视监测工作,并对21世纪东海赤潮监视监测进行了简要展望。

    Both occurrence characteristics of HABs and related conductions and achievements of surveillance and monitoring in the last 20 years in East China Sea were reviewed systematically . In addition , a brief prospect on surveillance and monitoring for HABs in 21 century in East China Sea is also provided .