
  1. 主客场制与赛会制在得分和比赛效率指数方面均无显著性差异。

    No obvious difference occurs under home-and-away system and game-meeting system in scoring and competition efficiency ratio .

  2. 集中赛会制是社会主义计划经济体制的产物,有着不可磨灭的历史功绩。

    Conclusion : The concentrating system is formed by the planned economy of social democracy , and it has history achievement .

  3. 文章提出了倒轮次编排方法,可以同时解决循环赛轮次编排中的多种需求问题,满足不同项目赛会制循环赛的轮次编排需要;

    This article puts forward " converse rounds scheduling method " which can simultaneously resolve many demand questions of rounds scheduling in round robin and fulfills demand of rounds scheduling of conference tournaments round robin in various sports .