
  • 网络expenses;Expenditure;disbursement
  1. 重视学校后勤费用支出的管理;

    Attach importance to the management of expenses of rear-serviee ;

  2. 上财政年度费用支出

    Expenses belonging to the preceding fiscal year

  3. 很明显,医疗费用支出和人们身体虚弱有很多客观原因

    Clearly , there are enormous externalities on health costs and debilitation on society .

  4. 研究与开发费用支出作为一种投资,是制造业企业竞争战略的一个重要组成部分,那么RD投入对企业的影响是什么呢?

    RD expenditure is very important for manufacturing firms , then what is the influence to the firms ?

  5. 并且在PLC程序中设计了行驶&起升作业共用一个直流调速器,从而使整个控制系统安全系数高、布局合理、维护方便快捷,极大地降低了单机成本费用支出,真正做到了节能降耗。

    The traveling and lifting mechanism have a common DC speed adjustor in the program of PLC , and makes the control system feature safer operation , more reasonable electrical circuit arrangement , easier maintenance and lower cost .

  6. 介绍在电信改革中,电力交换专用网如何合理利用中继资源,合理选择中继路由,在保证用户QoS的前提下,减少费用支出。

    According to the telecommunications reformation , the paper discusses the electric power network how to make use of the relay resources , reasonably choice relay route to guarantee the customer QoS , and reduces the cost .

  7. 因此,本研究基于大树移植的实践理论,采用计算机技术进行移植辅助决策,将移植技术规程、费用支出流程和移植相关数据有机结合,使用Delphi语言和SqlServer2000数据库开发大树移植辅助决策系统。

    On the foundation of big-tree transplanting technology , this thesis uses SQL Server 2000 and Delphi to develop Big-tree transplanting aided decision system by combining transplanting technology procedures with fee expenditure process and related data of transplanting .

  8. 进行社区整体管理计划,推行GINA和综合防治措施,可有效控制哮喘发作,减少医药费用支出,提高患儿生活质量。

    Community integrated management plan , the implementation of GINA and comprehensive prevention and control measures , which can effectively control the occurrence of asthma , reduce medical costs , improve the quality of life of patients.18 .

  9. Expense2Go让用户能够方便的跟踪公司的费用支出,并创建费用报告。

    Expense2GO is an App that makes it easier to keep track of your company expenses create expense reports .

  10. 船舶维修费用支出与经济寿命最优控制模型

    Optimal control model of ship 's maintenance expense and economic lifetime

  11. 编制预算,合理控制费用支出。

    Establish and monitor budget and control expenses to achieve goals .

  12. 投资费用支出动态控制的方法与过程

    A Dynamic Method and Process of Controlling Project Cost Payouts

  13. 管理公司在沈阳的费用支出和资金的转入转出。

    To manage company expense and funds wiring in a proper manner .

  14. 调查还发现,用于疾病监测的费用支出不足。

    Conclusion The expenditure on glucose monitor was not enough .

  15. 从费用支出谈糖尿病健康教育

    Opinions on the significance of health education based on diabetic patients ' expense

  16. 昆明市居民医药费用支出及病人流向分析

    Analysis of Residents ' Medical Expense and Patients ' Flow Direction in Kunming

  17. 赢取新业务意味着我们竞争对手的费用支出。

    Win business at the expense of our competitors .

  18. 不同收入水平农民健康及其医疗费用支出状况研究

    Study on peasant 's health and payment related income

  19. 第二,严格控制营业费用支出。

    Second , strict control working condition disbursement .

  20. 医疗个人账户对医疗费用支出影响研究

    Impact of Medical Savings Accounts on Medical Expenditure

  21. 住院医疗服务与社会统筹基金&武汉市近三年住院医疗服务及医疗费用支出的分析

    Medical Service for In-patients and Social Unified Raising

  22. 让劳工处于费用支出的劣势,这既不明智也非公平。

    Putting American workers at a cost disadvantage is unwise as well as unfair .

  23. 视未来事件的结果而定,企业可能需要承担、导致费用支出的责任。

    A charge that a business expects to pay , contingent on future events .

  24. 期间费用支出,在时间期限内的一项费用。

    Period costs are expensed during the time period in which they are incurred .

  25. 期前退休金费用支出

    Past service costs a periodic review of expenditure

  26. 你的飞机票怎么办?你在美国的费用支出由谁支付?

    How about your flight ticket ? How do you cover your cost in US .

  27. 这个城市每月生活费用支出就足以让你的口袋见底。

    Monthly living cost in this big city can burn a hole in your pocket .

  28. 目的了解住院患者便秘的发病率、便秘与饮食的关系及便秘费用支出情况。

    Objective To investigate the prevalence of constipation and the relationship between constipation and diet .

  29. 我国不同性别患者医疗费用支出的差异

    Gender Differences in Medical Expenditure in China

  30. 影响美国银屑病患者健康和费用支出的医疗相关因素

    Medication-related factors affecting health care outcomes and costs for patients with psoriasis in the United States