
  • 网络Fenix;phoenix
  1. 不是,他们半年前已搬去费尼克斯了。

    No , they moved to Phoenix half a year ago .

  2. 我将会坐飞机去费尼克斯与我的家人共度周末。

    I 'm flying to Phoenix to spend the weekend with my family .

  3. 这部影片最近在全美上映,华金•费尼克斯(JoaquinPhoenix)在里面扮演角色。提到电影剪辑师,大多数人对他们的印象是:猫在某个昏暗角落的操作台旁,长长的胶片钉在身后的墙上。

    Most people have a mental image of film editors hunched in the dark over editing consoles with lengths of film pinned to the wall behind them .

  4. 强尼费尼克斯下周将参加比赛。

    Johnny Phoenix will play next week .