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  • 网络Discount business;Forfaiting
  1. 当前我国商业银行票据贴现业务快速增长研究

    A Study on the Rapid Growth of Bills Business in Chinese Commercial Banks

  2. 银行也办理票据贴现业务,这是银行贷款的另一种形式。

    Banks also accept discount on promissory notes , witch is another form of bank loan .

  3. 为此,美国于上世纪80年代开始办理保单贴现业务,以帮助上述人员缓解沉重的经济负担。

    Consequently , viatical settlement in America is operated in 1980 's to help the aged and the terminal illness .

  4. 发展中小企业融资途径的探讨&浅析商业承兑汇票贴现业务

    On Financing Way of Medium - sized and Small - sized Enterprises - On Discount Business of Commercial Acceptance Draft

  5. 在具体政策上,中央银行应进一步简化有关贴现业务办理手续的规定,加强票据市场中介建设,加强商业银行结算纪律,并可以考虑适度提高银行承兑手续费率。

    The central bank should construct paper market intermediaries , reinforce discipline of settlement of commercial bank , and increase the fee rate of bank acceptance .

  6. 票据市场发展迅速,然而现有的票据法律制度却显示出严重的滞后性,使票据贴现业务不断面临着新的问题。

    Paper market has developed rapidly , while the existing legal system of the instrument lagged seriously , which put the bill discounting business in new problems .

  7. 指出信用风险,操作风险及风险回报不对称是商业汇票承兑,贴现业务中的主要风险。

    It is pointed out that credit risk ? operational risk and non-symmetry between risk and return are the main risks in commercial accepted bills and discounting business .

  8. 近几年,票据转贴现业务在银行间市场兴起,并迅速壮大,但关于该业务的报价分析和深入研究几乎是空白。

    The bank acceptance has been risen in recent years , and is growing up rapidly , however , there was virtually nonexistent quotation analysis and further study about this field .

  9. 第三章介绍了交行抚顺分行票据业务的发展概况,并分析了票据承兑业务和贴现业务的风险状况及其发展空间。

    In the third part , the development of bills of Fushun branch of communications bank was introduced . The risk and development space of accepted bills and discounted bills was analyzed .

  10. 本文以商业银行票据贴现业务的现状为基础,对票据贴现业务中的问题从法理和制度的角度进行了研究。

    This paper based on the status of the bill discounting business in commercial banks , analyses the problems of the bill discounting business from the legal theory and system point of view .

  11. 本文作者从理论和实务方面就目前我国金融风险中的商业汇票承兑,贴现业务风险进行了初步的探讨和分析。

    From the perspectives of theory and practice , this thesis gives a general discussion and analysis of the risks in commercial accepted bills and discounting business among the financial risks in our country at present .

  12. 存款准备金、再贴现、公开市场业务并称为货币政策的“三大法宝”。

    Deposit reserves , rediscount and open-market operation are generally known as the three most effective instruments of monetary policy .

  13. 从广州分公司的资金运作实践出发,简要介绍应付票据贴现、国内保理业务以及资金运作国际化的基本做法。

    In view of the practice of capital operation practice of Guangdong Branch , briefly introduced the basic methods of bills discounting , protective arrangement and international capital operation .