
zhù cánɡ zǔ zhī
  • Storage tissue;storage/reserve tissue
  1. 结果表明,茎贮藏组织ATPase活性不仅与糖分的运输有关,且影响糖分的积累和蔗糖含量;

    The results showed that the ATPase activity was not only correlative with the transport of sugar , but also affected the accumulation of sucrose and sucrose content .

  2. 乙醛酸循环体发现于油脂种子的贮藏组织中。

    Glyoxysomes are found in the storage tissues of fatty seeds .

  3. 周皮和薄壁贮藏组织中的含量较低,在休眠后期也有所增加。

    The contents of cytokinins were low in periderm and parenchyma , but increased during dormancy release .

  4. 这与乙醛酸循环体和乙醛酸支路的酶类只限于脂肪贮藏组织是矛盾的。

    This is in contrast to the restriction of glyoxysomes and the glyoxylate bypass enzymes to fat-storing tissues .

  5. 以甘薯(高系14号)块根组织为实验材料,从陈化处理伤害组织、贮藏组织及新鲜组织制备出亚线粒体(线粒体内膜),进行了抗氰呼吸的测定和蔗糖密度梯度离心。

    With sweet potato root tissues as materials , the portion of CN-resistant respiration in proportion to the total respiration has been estimated in submitochondrial particles from slices of aged treated wound-tissues , storage tissues and fresh tissues .

  6. 用来治疗消化器官溃疡的药物(商标是Carafate);据说能治愈溃疡。商陆营养器官解剖结构与非贮藏蛋白质组织化学定位

    A medicinal tablet ( trade name Carafate ) used to treat peptic ulcers ; said to bind to the ulcer site and coat it . Anatomical Structure and Protein Histochemical Localization in Vegetative Organs of Phytolacca americana

  7. 商陆营养器官解剖结构与非贮藏蛋白质组织化学定位

    Anatomical Structure and Protein Histochemical Localization in Vegetative Organs of Phytolacca americana

  8. 结果显示:冷冻贮藏对各组织的脂肪含量无明显影响;

    No obvious change in the lipid content of all the tested tissues and liver before and after storage was observed .

  9. 在0℃、5℃及土窖中贮藏,香梨组织褐变果皮相对最重,果心次之,果肉不褐变。

    The browning of the skin is comparatively the most severe among skin , corc and flesh , the core is the second , the flesh is not browning in Sweet Pear stored at 0 ℃ . 5 ℃ and indigenous method .