
  • 网络store of value;means of hoarding
  1. 货币不仅仅发挥交换媒介的作用,还是一种价值贮藏手段。

    Money acts not just as a medium of exchange but as a store of value .

  2. 巨大的铜锭,本身就是不断贬值的资产,它还是死沉死沉的“价值贮藏手段”和交换手段。

    Huge ingots of copper , itself a depreciating asset , were the weighty " store of value " and means of exchange .

  3. 除降低交易成本外,为达到便利贸易的作用,货币职能丰富为价值尺度、贮藏手段等方面。

    In addition to reducing transaction costs , the function of money extends to measurement and storage of value in order to facilitate trade .

  4. 宋代以前的钱币在海南只是作为一种财富贮藏手段,而真正发挥货币的价值尺度、流通和支付手段应始于宋代。

    Prior to the Song Dynasty coins were just a means of wealth storage , and it was only from the Song Dynasty that coins commenced to bring into real play their value measurement as well as the means of circulation and payment .

  5. 将化学反应速度理论应用于果品呼吸反应,为果品贮藏操作提供了理论依据,为提高果品贮藏操作手段拓宽了思路。

    The application theory of chemical reaction speed to the fruit respiratory reaction , it provides theoretical base for fruit store operation , opens up the thought for improving operation means of fruit store .