
pín nóng
  • poor peasant
贫农 [pín nóng]
  • [poor peasant] 完全没有土地或只占有极少土地和一些小农具的人,一般依靠租种土地生活,也出卖一部分劳动力。是农村中的半无产阶级

贫农[pín nóng]
  1. 冉阿让生在布里的一个贫农家里。

    Jean Valjean came from a poor peasant family of Brie .

  2. 他(在旧社会)出生于一个贫农家庭。

    He came of a poor peasant family in the old society .

  3. 一部分贫农有比较充足的农具和相当数量的资金。

    One category has comparatively adequate farm implements and some funds .

  4. 一个赤贫农的主妇死了。

    The mother of a family of desperately poor farmers dies .

  5. 贫农占大多数,积极要求土地。

    The poor peasants are the majority and are eagerly demanding land .

  6. 农民这个名称所包括的内容,主要地是指贫农和中农。

    The term peasantry refers mainly to the poor and middle peasants .

  7. 贫农是农村中的佃农,受地主的剥削。

    The poor peasants are tenant-peasants who are exploited by the landlords .

  8. 没有贫农,便没有革命。

    Without the poor peasants there would be no revolution .

  9. 广大的贫农和下中农欢迎合作社。

    The masses of the poor and lower-middle peasants welcome the co-operatives .

  10. 这个贫农领导,是非常之需要的。

    Leadership by the poor peasants is absolutely necessary .

  11. 她成了孤儿,一位贫农妇女收养了她。

    She was left an orphan and a poor peasant woman adopted her .

  12. 一个富有的农场主派人去请一个贫农帮他收割庄稼。

    A rich farmer sent for a poor man to reap his field .

  13. 她出身于贫农家庭。

    She was born in a poor peasant family .

  14. 普:从阶层上讲,我是出身于贫农家庭。

    Prachanda : By class , I am from a poor peasant family .

  15. 这种人跟贫农不同。

    They are different from the poor peasants .

  16. 贫农基金必须迅速发下去。

    The poor peasants ' fund must be made available to the villages at once .

  17. 先组织贫农团,几个月后,再组织农民协会。

    Organize poor peasant leagues first and then , after a few months , peasant associations .

  18. 从秘密时期到公开时期,贫农都在那里积极奋斗。

    They have fought militantly through the two periods of underground work and of open activity .

  19. 一个贫农有一个因善于种植苹果树而出名的朋友。

    A poor farmer had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apple he grew .

  20. 乡村中一向苦战奋斗的主要力量是贫农。

    The poor peasants have always been the main force in the bitter fight in the countryside .

  21. 农业合作化必须依靠党团员和贫农下中农

    Rely on party and League members and poor and lower-middle peasants in the co-operative transformation of Agriculture

  22. 那个寡妇十分贫困。一个赤贫农的主妇死了。

    The widow was in distress . The mother of a family of desperately poor farmers dies .

  23. 严禁地主富农分子混入农民协会和贫农团。

    Strictly prohibit landlords and rich peasants from sneaking into the peasant associations and poor peasant leagues .

  24. “为什么?因为这是小袋子的哥哥呀。”贫农说道。

    " Why , because it 's the small big 's bit brother ," answered the poor man .

  25. 一切个体经营的农民,终归是要走这三户贫农所坚决地选择了的道路的。

    All peasants now farming individually will eventually take the road resolutely chosen by these three poor peasant households .

  26. 要做到这一点,也必须建立贫农优势。

    For this purpose , too , it is necessary to establish the dominant position of the poor peasants .

  27. 贫农,因为最革命,所以他们取得了农会的领导权。

    The poor peasants , being the most revolutionary group , have gained the leadership of the peasant associations .

  28. 故半自耕农的革命性优于自耕农而不及贫农。

    The semi-owner peasants are therefore more revolutionary than the owner-peasants , but less revolutionary than the poor peasants .

  29. 我才3个月,就被送给了本村另一户贫农。

    At the age of three months I was given away to a poor peasant family in the same village .

  30. 是绝大多数贫农和下中农,他们占农村人口百分之七十以上。

    The overwhelming majority of the poor and lower-middle peasants who constitute more than 70 per cent of the rural population .