
  1. 主要包括产品质量竞争策略,差异化定价策略,渠道扁平策略,多样化促销策略。

    Main competitive strategy including product quality , differentiated pricing strategy , channel flat Strategy , diversified marketing strategy .

  2. 最后提出应对厦门电信市场的三个具体竞争策略,即营造比较优势,实施价格、品牌、服务质量竞争策略。

    Finally , the author raised three specific competitive strategies for the telecommunication market in Xiamen , namely to create a comparative advantage and apply the price , brand , service quality as the competitive strategy .

  3. 这种策略使得一些企业能够成功进入市场,但随着形势的改变,这种低质量的竞争策略越来越举步维艰。

    This strategy enables some enterprises successfully enter a product market , but as the situation changes , this strategy is increasingly inapplicable .