
huò sǔn
  • cargo damage;damage of cargo
货损 [huò sǔn]
  • [cargo damage] 货运途中数量减少或遭受损坏

  • 没有签合同,货损无法索赔

货损[huò sǔn]
  1. 文章从一个真实的案例出发,探讨了在CIF条件下买方遭遇货损时如何选择索赔对象,从而最大可能的减少风险,降低损失这一问题。

    A king a real case for example , the paper discusses the ways the buyer claims for the damages so as to minimize the risks and losses under CIF .

  2. 如有任何货损或丢失需及时告知客户。

    Contact customer immediately for any damage or loss of goods .

  3. 货损是由于恶劣天气所致。

    The damage is due to the stress of weather .

  4. 因此,货损肯定是在途中发生的。

    So the damage must have taken place during transit .

  5. 货损有没有可能是因粗暴装卸而引起的呢?

    Can it be possible that the damage be cause by rough handling ?

  6. 其次,我想分析一下造成货损的原因。

    Idly , I d like to look at the causes of the damage .

  7. 论海运货损索赔中的认证规则

    Rules of Verification in the Marine Cargo Claims

  8. 中国集装箱运输的货损与保险灾害损失评估模型系统包括灾前损失预评估模型系统、灾时损失评估模型系统与灾后损失实评估模型系统三个子系统。

    Damage and Insurance of Chinese Container Transportation Chapter three discusses calamity damage assessment .

  9. 您不妨就货损向保险公司索赔。

    You may as well claim with the insurance company for the goods damaged .

  10. 承运运往美国钢材的主要货损赔风险及规避

    Major Cargo Claim Risk and Avoidance in the Carriage of Steel Products to the USA

  11. 海上航行的风险较大,货损或者船货俱损的情形时有发生。

    Maritime navigation experiences great risk , and cargo damage or ship-cargo damage happens occasionally .

  12. 他们把货损归咎于长途海运中受潮了。

    They attributed the damage to the effects of dampness during the long sea voyage .

  13. 根据我们弄清的事实,货损是因包装不善而造成的。

    As far as we can make out , the damage is due to improper packing .

  14. 货损可能是由于多种原因造成的,雨淋就可能是原因之一。

    The damage may be cause by many factor with rain water be possibly one of them .

  15. 对于你方索赔我们无能为力,因为货损没有我们的责任。

    We can not do anything about your claim because we is not liable for the damage .

  16. 根据大量国内外判例,分析了海运货损索赔中的认证过程。

    Combining lots of foreign cases , chapter Three analyzes verification of marine cargo claims in our country .

  17. 货运代理人的法律定性及多式联运中集装箱货损区段的确定

    Determination of the legal nature of freight forwarders and the section of containerized cargo damage in the multi-modal transport

  18. 第二章就承运人对货损原因的举证责任问题进行了分析阐述。

    The second part is mainly on the carrier 's burden of proof on the causes of the cargo damages .

  19. 我们估计有大约30%的货损坏了,我们还花了不少运输费用。

    We estimate that about 305 of the goods were damaged . And the shipping charges cost us a lot .

  20. 为了贵公司的利益,我建议您再一次详细调查货损的原因。

    I will suggest that it is to your advantage that you make a careful investigation into the damage once again .

  21. 检验报告表明,货损是由于包装不善而引起的,所以你方应当负责。

    The survey report show that the damage is due to poor packing and you be , therefore , responsible for it .

  22. 在这种情况下,如果按照民事诉讼法中的认证规则对证据及案件事实进行认定,将难以实现诉讼上的公正,建立一套海运货损索赔所独有的认证规则是很有必要的。

    If verification of truth of case based on rules of verification in civil procedure law , it is hard to realized justice in the litigation .

  23. 而承运人试图推翻这一推定,必须借助举证说明货损的原因以及自己已尽了合理谨慎之责。

    If carriers try to rebut the inference , they should supply the evidence to show the reasons of the damage or loss and their due diligence .

  24. 黄埔港原散粮过驳工艺效率低、装卸成本高、货损大,不能适应生产发展的需要。

    Former bulk food barge technology in port Huangpu has low efficiency , high cost , big goods damage , it is can 't suit the need of production development .

  25. 通过对全压式小型液化气船货差货损原因的分析,提出了如何减少其货差货损的具体措施。

    By analyzing the causes of loss and damage in cargo transporting by small_sized full_compressed liquefied gas carrier , the paper introduces some measures to reduce the loss and damage .

  26. 总结了适合我国海运货损索赔的认证规则,例如应尽快建立完善的专家证人制度,以解决诉讼中众多的专业性问题;

    The finality of this article sums up rules of verification adapt to marine cargo claims : establishing the system of expert to solve the special problems in the litigation ;

  27. 因规避台风的措施采取不当而引起船损、货损甚至船毁人亡的事故时有发生。

    The improper measures to evade typhoon often cause damage to ships and cargo , and even sink ships and drown people . The present researches and applications on typhoon evasion are deficient in china .

  28. 以保证海上货物运输安全为目的,针对钢材在海上运输中的特殊性,阐述了钢材发生货损的原因,并提出了防止或减少货运事故的措施;

    For the safety of carriage of goods by sea , in view of the particularity of shipping steel-product , this paper expounds the reason of cargo damage and gives some measures to decrease the cargo-damage ;

  29. 海运货损索赔有着两大特点:一、海上货物运输有着很强的专业性和技术性,因而专家证言和鉴定结论在认定案件事实方面有着重要作用;

    There are two characteristics in the marine cargo claims : firstly , carriage goods by sea relates speciality and technicality significantly , so expect opinions and expert conclusions have important effect to verification of truth of case .

  30. 你们可以亲眼看到残损情况以及货物无法销售的原因。为了贵公司的利益,我建议您再一次详细调查货损的原因。

    You can see yourselves the damaged condition and the reason why they are unsaleable . I will suggest that it is to your advantage that you make a careful investigation ( inquiry ) into the damage once again .