
  1. 铸币税问题的讨论一般是同财政赤字货币化问题相联系的。

    The debate about seigniorage is always connected with the monetization of financial deficit .

  2. 财政赤字货币化过程中铸币税收益问题分析&从铸币税的一般涵义谈起

    An Analysis of the Seigniorage Revenues in the Monetization of Financial Deficit & Beginning with the general implication of seigniorage

  3. 在改革前后,国债市场是财政赤字货币化的一种途径,国债利率受到严格管制,国债市场规模小,交易平淡。

    Before this reform , the bond market is one of approaches to monetarize the financial deficit . The bond market had an interest rate under a strict control , a small scale of bonds and trading volumes .