
  1. 集团企业集中式财务管理信息化模式探讨

    Study On the Integrated Financial Management Model of Enterprise and Group

  2. 财务管理信息化将有利于财务管理在企业中发挥更大作用。

    Information-based financial management will play more great effect in an enterprise .

  3. 财务管理信息化研究的是新的环境下财务管理如何开展的问题。

    So as to speed up the advancement of the information oriented management .

  4. 军队财务管理信息化建设浅探

    Briefly on the information construction of troops financial management

  5. 推进财务管理信息化提高财务管理水平

    Improving Financial Affairs Management with the Informatization of Administration

  6. 农村财务管理信息化建设是建设社会主义新农村的重要保障。

    Construction of rural financial management , is the important guarantee of new socialist countryside .

  7. 数字校园环境下的高校财务管理信息化体系的建立,有着重要的意义。

    It has more important significance that how to build University Financial Management Information System based on Digital Campus .

  8. 阐述现代企业财务管理信息化建设的主要内容和实施思路。

    The main content and implementation idea for financial management information construction in modern enterprises is described in this paper .

  9. 本文以财务管理信息化的相关理论为依据,积极探索财务管理信息化的新方法和新途径。

    In light of the relevant theories of financial management informationization , this paper actively explores new means and new methods of financial management informationization .

  10. 此财务管理信息化解决方案对新医改制度下我国类似的公立医院进行财务管理信息化具有较强的参考价值。

    The financial information management solutions for new health care system in China under the similar public hospital finance management informatization has a strong reference value .

  11. 在本文的逻辑结构安排上,笔者采用的是从理论到实践逐步对财务管理信息化进行阐述。

    AS for as the arrangement of the logic structure in the dissertation is concerned , it interprets IFM step by step from theory to practice .

  12. 根据以上分析,将从宏观因素层、中观因素层和微观因素层三个层面分析农村财务管理信息化发展的影响因素,以便为农村财务管理信息化发展的优化路径的提出奠定逻辑基础。

    According to the above analysis , the works analyses influence factors of rural financial management informationization development from from macroscopical factors layer , medium view factors and micro factors layer .

  13. 高校财务管理信息化是高校管理信息化建设不可忽视的重要组成部分,它的建设完善程度直接影响着高校信息化建设的进程。

    It can not be ignored that College financial Management Information is an important part of college management information . College financial Management Information directly affects the process of university information .

  14. 随着这几年国家对资产管理的重视,信息化建设从原来注重财务管理信息化逐渐向资产管理信息化发展,作为企业资产管理的领导正承担一种责任和使命。

    With the state attaching great importances to asset management over the years , informatization construction gradually develops toward asset management informatization from financial administration informationization . As the leadership of enterprise asset management bear a responsibility and mission .

  15. 为适应知识经济的发展和企业信息化的要求,采用先进的管理手段实现企业效益最大化,提高企业的市场竞争力,财务管理信息化研究应运而生。

    In order to meet the requirement of intellectual economy and business digitalization , the study of computer aided finance management ( CAFM ) has been developed rapidly , producing the effect of maximizing efficiency through the appliance of advanced management facilities and raising the market competitiveness of the enterprises .

  16. 军队医院财务管理整体信息化建设探讨

    Integrated Information Building of Financial Management in Military Hospital

  17. 但当下,房地产企业财务管理的信息化建设相比房地产行业本身发展处于相对滞后。

    Currently , however , the finance information management is absolutely fall behind the development of the industry .

  18. 为了适应通信行业的快速发展,加快财务管理的信息化,利用信息服务完成日常的财务工作是非常重要的手段。

    With the rapid development of telecom industry , it is very important to use the information techniques for the financial management .

  19. 财务管理是信息化的必要切入点,企业通过推进财务管理信息化,采取必要的解决方案,提高财务管理水平。

    As financial administration is the key of informatization , enterprises can improve the management of financial affairs with the help of the informatization of administration and necessary solutions .

  20. 竞争战略采取差异化战略,为实现总体战略目标和竞争战略需要采取技术开发、生产、市场营销、人力资源、财务管理、信息化建设等职能战略。

    And to achieve the strategic objectives and competitive strategy the company needs to take the technology development , production , marketing , human resources , financial management , information technology and other functional strategies .

  21. 会计和财务管理在企业信息化管理中都有着十分重要的作用。

    Both the accounting and the financial administration play an important role in the information-based management of the enterprises .

  22. 房地产企业是一种资金密集型的企业,财务管理工作的信息化在整个房地产企业的信息化过程中扮演举足轻重的角色。

    The development trend of Real Estate company is collectivization . They are fun-intensive enterprises , and the informatization of financial management is playing a pivotal role in the whole enterprise development .

  23. 本文首先剖析了财务管理科学化和信息化的必要性及可行性,继而探讨在计算机环境下实现财务管理的不同方法,包括核算型会计软件、财务管理信息系统及Excel电子表格软件。

    Starting with analyzing the crucial need and feasibility of scientific and computer aided financial management , this paper followed with the study of various methods in accomplishing financial management functions under computer environment , including financial accounting software , financial management information system ( FMIS ) and Excel spreadsheet .

  24. 农村财务管理低效现状,信息化建设落后是一个重要原因。

    This is caused by low-efficiency rural and financial control and backward information construction .

  25. 加强财务管理工作方面的信息化,对企业变革管理思想和方法、建设现代企业文化、增强竞争力和活力有着重要的作用。

    It is stressed that strengthening information-oriented management in finance plays an important role in changing management thinking and methods , setting up modern enterprises culture and strengthening competitiveness and vitality .

  26. 财务决策支持系统是企业财务管理信息化的最高阶段,而营运资金管理决策支持系统又是其重要分支之一。

    Working capital management decision support system is one of the important branches of financial decision support system which is the highest stage of information management in enterprise finance .

  27. 本文首先分析了财务管理的基本内容以及财务管理信息化初期所存在的种种弊端和不足,提出了在企业信息化迅猛发展的今天财务管理信息系统所应该具有的功能和特点。

    This paper firstly analyzes the basic content within the financial management and the limitations of financial management informatization during its initial stages , then it brings forward the functions and effectiveness which the Financial Management Information System nowadays should possess .

  28. 从信息化管理在财务管理方面的应用入手,探讨企业在财务管理信息化方面的可行性,管理方法以及建设和应用。

    Beginning with the application of information-oriented management in financial management , the feasibility of information-oriented financial management in enterprises , its management methods , construction as well as application are discussed .

  29. 因此充分地运用信息化手段进行变革创新,实现企业科学的财务管理,适应房地产企业集团化发展趋势的财务管理信息化需求日益强烈。

    Therefore , the request grows more and more imperative which uses informatization as a measure of innovation to achieve scientific financial management and to meet the need of enterprise development .

  30. 通过对唐钢财务成本核算的业务分析,采用现代管理技术,计算机技术,实现了财务成本核算管理的信息化、快速化、计算机化。

    The modem management and computer techniques are used on the base of analysis of financial affairs cost accounting of Tangshan Iron and Steel Company , the informationalization , fastness and computerization of the management are realized .