- negative definite matrix

Then a new sufficient condition in the form of a negative definite matrix which guarantees the existence of the state feedback H ∞ control for the T S fuzzy systems is proposed . The conditions not only are simple but also consider the interactions among the subsystems .
A Necessary and Sufficient Condition of Non - negative Definite Matrix
In this paper , A necessary and sufficient condition that ( A-B ) be non-negative definite matrix is given ( Under real symmetric matrices A and B are non-negative definite )
Solution and algorithm of inverse problem for D-symmetric nonnegative definite matrices are discussed . The thesis also proposes the criteria for the conditions of D-symmetric nonnegative definite matrix and the MATLAB Program , a solution to these problems .
An algorithm on G-inverses of symmetrical Nonnegative Definite Matrices
When A is a nonnegative definite matrix with finite maximum eigenvalue , the strong convergence of random quadratic forms is established under finite fourth moment .
The inverse problem of a class of bisymmetric nonnegative matrices is discussed , the sufficient and necessary conditions of the solvability and the expression of the general solution are obtained .
Some necessary and sufficient conditions have been established for the solvability of the inverse problem of the D-symmetric nonnegative definite matrix , and a general expression of the solutions is proposed . Moreover , the expression of the optimal approximate solution has been obtained .
The numerical algorithms are given to solve the weighting matrix Q of discrete time systems by transforming the problem of determing a symmetric , nonnegative weighting matrix to a F norm optimization problem .