
  • 网络a luxurious hotel
  1. 住宿条件从经济旅馆至豪华宾馆不等。

    Accommodation ranges from tourist class to luxury hotels .

  2. 10家豪华宾馆任你选择。

    Take your pick from ten luxury hotels

  3. 然后我们吃晚餐,然后待在一家豪华宾馆里。

    We 'll have dinner and stay at an expensive hotel .

  4. 超豪华宾馆;极奢侈的生活方式。

    A grande luxe hotel ; a grande luxe lifestyle .

  5. 当一处旅游胜地的豪华宾馆被冲走时,一些人被埋在了下面。

    Several were buried when a luxury guest house at a tourist resort was swept away .

  6. 他买了一家豪华宾馆。

    He bought a luxury hotel .

  7. 同时,在园内修建一座仿古式小型豪华宾馆,以供游客住宿,参与晚上游艺活动。

    An archaized luxurious hotel will be built in the Park for accommodating tourists and making them participate in the activities at night .

  8. 开始几条关于工作的短信逐渐演变成豪华宾馆里的秘密夜晚,她说。

    What began as a series of text messages about work soon turned into clandestine nights in luxury hotel rooms , she said .

  9. 从空调水系统、风系统和通风系统等几个方面介绍了集超豪华宾馆、餐饮、娱乐、商业为一体的上海世茂国际广场的暖通空调设计。

    The paper introduced the HVAC design of Shanghai shimao international square , which combined sumptuous hotel , restaurant , entertainment and business together , from air-conditioning water system , air system and ventilation system .

  10. 他们为自己的孩子做饭、铺床、买像全能健康补品这样的昂贵的假装的安慰剂,甚至在豪华宾馆给他们租房间,以使他们能够专心学习。

    They cook for their kids , make their beds , buy them expensive placebos disguised as omnipotent health supplements , even rent them rooms in luxury hotels so that they can concentrate on their studies .

  11. 你不妨乘一艘传统的小木舟沿水路游览这座讨人喜欢的小镇;还可以住在某间豪华宾馆或是当地居民的客房里,真实地体验一下中国的水乡生活。

    Take in the delightful town from the water on a traditional wood boat , and stay in one of the many luxurious hotels or guest accommodations in residents ' homes for a true taste of Chinese village life .

  12. 比如在日本的一家豪华宾馆里,如果你给任何一位顶级餐馆的侍者或宾馆门房服务员小费,那么会被认为是一种粗鲁摆阔的行为;

    At a luxury hotel in Japan , for example , if you try to tip anyone from the wait staff at a top restaurant to the hotel concierge , your gesture will be perceived as a rude and flagrant show of wealth .

  13. 这好比卸掉了我老伴肩上的重担,和英国许多老年村一样,GrovePlace在粉刷一新的某乡村宅第提供豪华的宾馆设施,历史不寻常的地主庄园是集体活动的中心。

    It is like this load just lifted from her shoulders , he says . Like many UK retirement villages , Grove Place offers luxury hotel amenities on a refurbished old country estate and its historic manor house is the centre of communal life .

  14. 适合你的好住处,“豪华伦敦宾馆。”

    Exactly the right thing for your ," grand Hotel london . "

  15. 安娜:我们在豪华的宾馆会有一个大型的午餐派对,2010届班级,然后出去玩。

    Anna : We are going to have a huge dinner party at a fancy hotel , the class of2010 , and go out afterwards .

  16. 酒店。从小旅社到昂贵的豪华五星级宾馆都有。

    Hotels range from the small guest house to expensive , luxury , five star hotels .

  17. 在一间装饰豪华的洛杉矶宾馆套房里,约翰尼·丰塔纳象普通的丈夫一样喝得酩酊大醉。

    In a garishly decorated Los Angeles hotel suite , Johnny Fontane was as jealously drunk as any ordinary husband .