
  • 网络symbolic play;symbolicplay
  1. 儿童绘画能力的发展,是儿童智力发展的标志,Piaget就把儿童初期的绘画看作是信号功能的一种形式,是象征性游戏和心理表象之间的中介。

    The development of the children 's drawing ability is the symbol of the development of the children 's intelligence . Piaget thinks children 's early drawing as a form of signal functions and a medium between symbolic play and psychological representations .

  2. 象征性游戏测试的心理测量学特性研究

    Study of psychometric character of symbolic play test

  3. 对自闭症儿童非言语交际行为、共同注意能力、社会情感沟通能力、象征性游戏的训练将有助于自闭症儿童更好的发展。

    Training about non speech communication behavior , joint attention and social affect communication of autistic children will help them develop better .