  • all;every;various
  • at;to;from
  • 众,许多:~位。~君。~侯。

  • “之于”或“之乎”的合音:投~渤海之尾。

  • 犹“之”:“能事~乎?”。

  • 犹“于”:“宋人事资章甫适~越”。

  • 语助,无实在意义:“日居月~,照临下土”。

  • 姓。


(众; 许多) all; every; various:

  • 诸般武艺

    all kinds of martial arts;

  • 自然科学诸部门

    the various branches of natural science;

  • 诸事如意。

    All goes as you wish


[书] (“之于”或“之乎”的合音) at; to; from:

  • 求诸己

    rely on oneself;

  • 付诸实施

    put into practice; bring into effect;

  • 加诸我也

    put blame on me


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 诸鞅

    Zhu Yang

  1. CI战略在国外已被推行到经营管理的诸环节,受到企业界的高度重视和推崇。

    CI strategy has been carried out abroad in all links of management control , getting the close attention in business circles .

  2. 有关SC绩效评价也应围绕SC的战略、规划和运作诸方面的有效性和效率来进行。

    Performance too should appraise around strategy of SC , plan and operation all validity and efficiency of go on about SC.

  3. 以摇头表示“不”,并非放诸四海而皆准。

    Shaking your head for ' No ' is not universal .

  4. 战斗集中在北方诸城镇的周围进行。

    Fighting was concentrated around the towns to the north .

  5. 莫斯科和波罗的海诸共和国正在重启沟通渠道。

    Moscow and the Baltic republics are reopening channels of communication .

  6. 她的声音如孩童般,带有英格兰西南部诸郡的那种抑扬顿挫。

    Her voice is childlike , with a West Country lilt .

  7. 波罗的海诸共和国已呼吁斯堪的纳维亚诸国提供援助。

    The Baltic republics have called on the Scandinavian countries for help .

  8. 我把比赛期间发生的事情抛诸脑后。

    I put what happened during that game to the back of my mind

  9. 他把这些名字抛诸脑后。

    He swept the names from his mind .

  10. 这是些工作中一出现问题就往往归诸外因的人。

    These are people who tend to externalize blame when anything goes wrong at work .

  11. 莫琳已将噩梦抛诸脑后。

    Maureen put the nightmare behind her

  12. 我们是在对经济、社会、文化诸领域进行改革的背景下从事这项工作的。

    We are doing this work in the context of reforms in the economic , social and cultural spheres .

  13. 诸如斯特兰奇韦斯监狱之类建于100多年前的监狱故意营造出一种阴森、不祥的气氛。

    Prisons like Strangeways , built more than 100 years ago , were intended to look grim and foreboding places .

  14. 只有充分感受了深切的痛苦,我们才能从中走出,并将它抛诸脑后。

    Only by fully experiencing the depth of our pain can we be healed from it and be done with it .

  15. 不识有诸(=有之乎)?&有之。

    I wonder if this is true ? & it is .

  16. 我被拒诸门外。

    I was refused admittance .

  17. 君子求诸己,小人求诸人。

    The demands that a gentleman makes are upon himself ; those that a small man makes are upon others .

  18. 院本杂剧、诸宫调和俗谣俚曲尤以崭新面貌和杰出成就出现在文学史上,对于北曲的形成和走向产生了影响。

    The Jin dramas and folk songs gave a fresh presence and stood out in Chinese literary history , influencing the shaping and development of Bei qu ( northern tune ) .

  19. 对她作品的拙劣复印以及18世纪和19世纪欧洲女性角色经历的挫折,导致她的努力基本上被人们拋诸脑后。

    Shoddy reproductions of her work along with setbacks to women 's roles in 18th - and 19th-century Europe resulted in her efforts being largely forgotten .

  20. 诸比丘!远离杀生,远离不与取,于爱欲远离邪行。

    Abstaining from killing , from taking what is not given , & from illicIt'sex .

  21. 对她的抗议他毫不在意地抛诸脑后,只管继续往下说,仿佛他们之间什么都谈妥了似的

    He blithely ignored her protests and went on talking as if all were agreed between them .

  22. 阿诸那啊,无知,消沉,疏忽和妄想,当所有这些一起呈现的时候,就是愚昧无知占了主导地位

    O Arjuna , nescience , inertness , neglectfulness and also illusion ; when these arise the mode of ignorance predominates .

  23. 影响学生参与体育诸因素的AHP法研究

    Research and analysis of factors influencing students ' attendance of sports with AHP method

  24. 燃烧合成法中诸因素对纳米晶Y2O3晶粒尺寸的影响

    Influences of Different Factors on the Grain Size of the Nanocrystalline Y_2O_3 in Combustion Synthesis

  25. 尽管已有很多有关纤维素酶的研究报告,但底物的预处理对固态发酵过程中pH值和产酶的影响很少见诸于报道。

    Although abundant informations are available on cellulase production , little work has been examined on the effects of substrate pretreatment on pH value and cellulase formation during solid-substrate fermentation .

  26. 所得诸结果与ISR质子-质子对撞机等的结果和某些理论模型结果进行了比较。

    All results are compared with other works and with some theoretical models .

  27. 第五章,笔者的视角从全球回到中国,运用计量方法,分析诸参数对流向中国的FDI的影响。

    In chapter five , from a global view to a Chinese view , I analyze the local determinants of the FDI to China by an econometric method .

  28. 有关低阻PTC陶瓷材料的研究,在材料阻成、制造工艺与原材料选择等诸方面均取得了新进展。

    New progress in some respects of material composition , manufacturing process , raw material selection and the others has been made .

  29. 本文分析了PLC控制系统中干扰信号的主要来源,从PLC的电源、系统输入、输出电路设计、接地、配线等诸方面,介绍有效的抗干扰措施。

    The paper analyzes the main sources of interference signals in PLC control system , and presents effective anti-interference measures from the aspects of PLC power , I / O circuit design , earthing and wiring .

  30. KI量表总分及各条目比较,显示两组女性的各绝经前后诸证症状的严重程度均有明显差异。

    KI Scale total score and each item comparison show the severity of menopause symptoms from two groups of women obviously different .