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  • be surprised
  • 惊讶,觉得奇怪:~谔。~异。惊~。~为奇事。

  • 诳,欺骗:甘言~语(甜言蜜语,诳骗人的话)。


(惊讶) be surprised:

  • 惊诧

    greatly surprised; amazed

  1. 他诧异地看着她。

    He looked at her in dismay .

  2. 希尔玛诧异地抬眼望着他。

    Hilma lifted her eyes inquiringly to his .

  3. 闻此言,众人皆诧愕不已。

    All were astounded by the remarks .

  4. 她诧异地望着他。

    She looked at him with astonishment .

  5. 熔化了,庞弗雷夫人诧异地说,居然全熔化了…

    Melted , said Madam Pomfrey wonderingly . All melted ...

  6. 他诧异地看着我,告诉我说这个加油站已经在这儿有八年了。

    He said it had been there for eight years .

  7. 媚兰诧异地说,一面拆信封。

    Said melly , wondering , as she ripped open the envelope .

  8. 说,神造论者的欺骗和扭曲事实的程度可能会令这些人有一种不快的诧

    Creationists , the extent of their deception and distortion may come as an

  9. 他诧异地问“你咋懂得那么多呢?”

    He was surprised and asked " How do you know about it ?"

  10. 拉斐德的学生们诧异地摇摇头。

    The Lafayette students shook their heads in wonder .

  11. 2002年入选火箭之前他已经在国际舞台上叱诧风云。

    He had excelled on the international stage prior to joining the Rockets in2002 .

  12. “擦靴子和鞋子?”她诧异地问。

    ' Does the boots and shoes ! 'she repeated in a wondering tone .

  13. 儿子诧异地问:「你为什麽要这样呢?」

    " What do you want that for ?" His son asked , surprised .

  14. 光阴飞逝,她诧异地发觉一年不知不觉就过去了。

    Time fled , and she was surprised to find the year passed imperceptibly .

  15. 他对自己诧异地叫道。

    Cried he , wondering at himself .

  16. 司机诧异地抬头张望。

    The driver looked up in surprise .

  17. 母亲突然停下了手中的活,满眼诧异地抬起头。

    My mother stopped her work and raised her head with surprise in her eyes .

  18. 孩子们没再问什么,只是诧异地抬头望着她。

    The children asked no more questions , but looked up at her in amazement .

  19. 也许门徒们诧异地小声嘟囔著。

    Perhaps the disciples groaned in dismay .

  20. 朋友诧异地问。

    The friend asked in surprise .

  21. 她诧异地抬高了声调。

    Her voice rose in surprise .

  22. ·乔治布什:曾几何时,他也是世界上叱诧风云的人物。

    George Bush Long time ago , he was the most powerful man in the world .

  23. 雷茜儿诧异地看着他。

    Rachel looked at him strangely .

  24. 曾几何时,他也是世界上叱诧风云的人物。

    George · Bush Long time ago , he was the most powerful man in the world .

  25. 在中国,成千上万本畅销书在现代的印刷出版社里叱诧风云,在欧洲,当时僧侣们的手抄书籍亦是如此。

    In Europe , monks hand-copied books while in China thousands of bestsellers rolled off modern printing presses .

  26. 如果没有达到设计速度,由于切割刀将趋于诧开始。

    If the design speed is not achieved , the blade will tend to wander as cutting begins .

  27. 我们诧异地盯着对方,却闻到了一股难闻的焦味。

    And as we both stared at one another in dismay , the funky smell of fried computer circuits consumed our nostrils .

  28. 你不记得是他怎样坐在窗内,诧异地望着你深入地下的纠缠的树根么?

    Do you not remember how he sat at the window and wondered at the tangle of your roots that plunged underground ?

  29. 她诧异地停住了脚步。这是一座很大而且几乎全新的艳红色房子,被绿色灌木围绕着。

    She stoppd in amazement.It was large and almost new , a rich red against the green of the bushes around it .

  30. 正在阿谁天下里,统统企医诧临最除夜的应战便是人才本钱:如何样找到人才,培养人才战留住人才。

    In such a world , the greatest challenge for any enterprise is human capital : how to find it , develop it and keep it .