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  1. 苏武李陵诗考

    Research on Poems of Su Wu and Li Ling

  2. 初唐宫廷诗考论

    On the Palace Poems in Early Tang Dynasty

  3. 东晋南朝歌诗艺术考论

    An Examination of the Song-poem Art in the Eastern Jin and the Southern Dynasties

  4. 明代陈第作《毛诗古音考》,亦当是直接源于《诗补音》。

    Mao Shi Gu Yin Kao , written by Chen Di of Ming dynasty , is also stemmed from Shi Buyin directly .

  5. 自陈第开创古音学以来,备受语言学家的称颂,对其古音学的开山之作&《毛诗古音考》,更是争相研究。

    Since Chen has been the first to create ancient phonology , linguists much praise , its ancient sound pioneer school for - " Mao ancient sound test ," is competing research .

  6. 但随之而作的《屈宋古音义》大多把它当做《毛诗古音考》的补充之作,鲜有人问津。

    But the attendant for the " old sound and meaning of Qu and Song ," most of it as " Mao ancient sound test ," the supplement to make , few people is interested .

  7. 隋、唐、五代测绘史考东晋南朝隋唐诗僧丛考

    Research of the Surveying and Mapping Histories of the Sui , Tang , the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms

  8. 南海神庙铜鼓诗与铜鼓文化考

    A Survey of Poems on the Copper Drum in Nanhai Temple and the Copper Drum Culture