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cí zǎo
  • flowery language;ornate terms;ornate phraseology
词藻 [cí zǎo]
  • [flowery language] 辞藻,诗文中蓄意加工的华丽辞语

词藻[cí zǎo]
  1. 他们使用了极其华丽的词藻。

    They were using uncommonly flowery language .

  2. 这一章多为冗长的华丽词藻。

    The chapter is mostly wordy rhetoric .

  3. 不要用这些怪僻的词藻来掩饰思想的贫乏。

    Don 't conceal the poverty of thought by the eccentric diction .

  4. 她的早期作品都不太成熟,除了华丽的词藻外就没什麽内容了。

    Her early works are inchoate idea , nothing but full of lush rhetoric .

  5. 他的讲话净是华而不实的词藻。

    His speech is full of fine words which mean nothing .

  6. 这些词藻堆砌在一起讲不通。

    These words are jumbled up and don 't make sense .

  7. “货真价实”、“历久弥新”可能会取代“奢华”和“专享”这样的词藻。

    Buzzwords like'mass luxury'and'exclusive'are likely to be replaced by terms like'authenticity'and'sustainability .

  8. 不要把时间浪费在搜寻完美词藻上。

    Don 't lost time searching for the perfect words .

  9. 他不是玩弄词藻的人。

    He was not a man who played on words .

  10. 他们的共同之处是他们能够玩弄词藻。

    What they have in common is that they can play with words .

  11. 他用了一些古雅而有气派的华丽词藻和拉丁引文来装饰自己的论文。

    He decorated his discourse with quaint flourishes of style and Latin quotations .

  12. 接着,巴比特驶入了词藻的海洋。

    Then Babbitt slid into a sea of eloquence .

  13. 这不仅仅是词藻-这种说法怎么样?

    That 's not a word . BRIAN : What about that language ?

  14. 他的文章风格犀利明快,没有任何华丽的词藻。

    His article is trenchant . His is a cut-and-thrust style without any flourish .

  15. 他们似乎并没有把它们投进华丽词藻的模型里去加以铸炼。

    They do not seem to have cast them into moulds of beautiful language .

  16. 新加坡人说华语时,也会用到英语和马来语的借词。二是堆砌词语,滥用华丽词藻;

    Singaporeans also speak Mandarin with words adapted from the English and Malay languages .

  17. 他用美丽的词藻来掩盖他的谎话。

    His lies were clothed in beautiful words .

  18. 过去他在写作中爱用华丽的词藻。

    He used to use a lot of flower of speech in his write .

  19. 他把我的信拿了过去,加上一些他自己的冗长空洞的词藻。

    He took my letter and added a number of his own windy phrases .

  20. 她的演讲充满了华丽的词藻。

    Her speech was full of flourish .

  21. 这本可以是篇挺有意思的文章,可是铺张的词藻太多了。

    It could have been an interesting essay , but there was too much padding .

  22. 议员作了一番词藻华美的演说。

    The senator gave a florid speech .

  23. 因此,贡纳莉和里根开始用夸张的词藻来欺骗自己的父亲。

    So , Goneril and Regan proceed to deceive their father with lavish expressions of love .

  24. 如果生活是一首充满诗情画意地诗,感恩之心则是诗中最华丽的词藻;

    Today the top of my speech is learning to be thanksgiving and assuming the responsibility .

  25. 那个粗鲁的人喜欢用强烈而又形象的词藻。

    That man with the bark on is fond of strong and picturesque figures of speech .

  26. 他对那浮华的词藻还是很敏感的。

    He was sensitive to rhetoric .

  27. 一篇词藻华丽的作品

    A luxurious piece of writing

  28. 第二部分分别论述了词藻学的分类和特点,并充分说明学习词藻学的重要性。

    Second part , it illustrates the category and special feature and the importance of learning of rhetoric-ology .

  29. 我是一个热爱文学的懵懂女孩,也许是精致华丽的词藻心旷神怡。

    I am a love of literature , silly girls , may be refined rhetoric relaxed and happy .

  30. 晚唐诗风情调低沉,色彩晦暗.意境朦胧,词藻华美。

    The poems in late Tang Dynasty had gloomy tone , dull color , obscure mood and flowery language .