
  • 网络designed water level;design water level;designed flood level
  1. 从美国桥梁的最高通航设计水位谈起

    On the Maximum Navigable Designed Water Level of Bridge in the USA

  2. 对美国桥梁最高通航设计水位进行分析,并对我国最高通航设计水位的计算方法进行评议。

    The maximum navigable designed water level under bridge in the USA is analyzed , and the method for calculating the maximum navigable water level in China is appraised .

  3. 鉴于秦皇岛港工程开发的需要,本大根据该港多年实测潮汐资料,推算了该港的设计水位和校核水位。推算得出秦皇岛港的设计高、低水位分别为1.63m和0.02m;

    For the need of the development of the Qinhuangdao Port , based on the observed tidal data of many years at the port , the design water level and the check water level are calculated in this paper .

  4. 海岸工程极端设计水位组合分析

    Combinatorial Analysis of Extreme Design Water Level in Coastal Engineering

  5. 关于最低通航设计水位计算方法的研究

    An Approach to the Design Lowest Navigable Water Level

  6. 设计水位和校核水位推算方法的探讨

    An approach to reckoning procedure of design water level and calibrated water level

  7. 感潮河段设计水位标准的选用

    The Selection of Standard for the Design Water Level at the Tidal River

  8. 确定防洪堤设计水位的方法探讨

    Probing into the method for determination of the design water level of flood embankment

  9. 秦皇岛港设计水位和校核水位推算

    Calculation of the Design Water Level and the Check Water Level of the Qinhuangdao Port

  10. 长江干流江苏段防洪设计水位的探讨

    Discussion of Design Water Level for Flood Control in Jiangsu Reach of the Yangtze River

  11. 浅谈万安水利枢纽下游河段设计水位的确定

    On Determination of the Design Water Level at the Lower Reach of Wan'an Hydraulic Junction

  12. 海洋工程中工程设计水位主港选择的条件及应用

    Condition and application of main port selection for engineering design water level in the marine engineering

  13. 深圳地区地下建筑抗浮设计水位取值与浮力折减分析

    Analysis of Defence Water Level and Reduction Factor of Buoyancy for Underground Buildings in Shenzhen Area

  14. 用该方法计算的设计水位更符合河道的实际情况。

    Calculation results show that the design stages are more conformable to the actual waterway stages .

  15. 建筑抗浮设计水位取值方法&以北京市某工程为例

    Method for Getting the Value of Anti-uplift Water Level for Construction & An Exemplified Project in Beijing

  16. 渤西油田冬季设计水位的研究

    Study of Design Water Level in Winter Time for the Oilfields in the West of Bohai Sea Area

  17. 设计水位确定方法。

    All above will make the mainstream awe . ( 2 ) Method for determining the designing water level .

  18. 讨论海平面的季节变化和长期变化对设计水位和多年一遇极值水位推算的影响;

    How the seasonal and long term sea level variation affect the calculation of design water level and check water level ;

  19. 论文首先阐述了平原河网地区及其水文特性,以及该地区设计水位计算的研究现状。

    At first , plain river network region and its hydrologic characteristics and the current situation of design water research are elaborated .

  20. 鉴于北仑港工程开发需要,本文最后对设计水位、校核水位进行了计算。

    For the need of the development of Beilun Port , the design water level and the check water level have been also presented .

  21. 利用一种条件分布联合概率方法分析设计水位与校核水位;

    A joint probability method with conditional distribution is used to calculate the design water level and check water level when sea level rises ;

  22. 列出其在不同设计水位及不同的荷载组合情况的下的弯矩分布情况,逐一分析了板桩入土深度与荷载的关系曲线。

    It list the distribution of moment with different design water level and different load combination . Then analyse the connection of sheet-pile depth in the dust .

  23. 本文研究结果表明,三峡水电厂大坝和机电设备设施在设计水位下运行状态良好,满足了工程设计与有关合同的要求。

    The results show that Three Gorges 21 # turbine work well under the design water level , which meets the requirements of the design and the contract .

  24. 结果表明,长江中下游河床形态、水流条件发生了较大变化,设计水位也随之有一定幅度的升降。

    The result showed that the bed form and flow condition at the middle and lower reach have changed a lot , following which , the design water level has risen or reduced to some degree .

  25. 通过上述统计和数值模拟计算,得出东中国海海平面季节变化对设计水位的显著影响,而海平面长期变化对潮波影响显著,从而显著地影响工程水位的推算。

    With the above analysis and calculation , it is concluded that mean sea level variation affects the tidal wave in the Eastern China Sea , and then it affects significantly the calculation of design and check water level .

  26. 随着三峡大坝蓄水位达到设计水位,三峡库区公路库岸路基安全风险问题不仅对公路设计、施工有重要的影响,而且对已建公路的安全运营也有重大的影响。

    As the water level of Three Gorges of Changjiang reaches the design standard , the security risk problem of bank becomes important not only to the road design and construction , but also to the operation of the built road .

  27. 研究表明,用最低通航设计水位时的水域边界裁取研究水域,可消除边界点因水陆信息混合产生的误差,提高遥感水深精度。

    It is proved that the error caused by mixing water-land information on boundary may be eliminated by choosing the research waters within the water boundary under designed lowest navigable stage , and the precision of remote water-depth of river may be enhanced .

  28. 洪水淹没范围模拟实质上是模拟各种设计水位下的洪水在地理空间上的蔓延过程及造成的淹没范围、淹没水深和受灾程度。

    The essential of the flood submerging simulation is to simulate the flood spreading course on the geographic space , the flood submerging range , submerging depth and the extent of disaster , which is caused by the flood , under various designed levels .

  29. 提出了计算设计水位方法选择的依据,结合长江和西江感潮河段的实例进行探讨,分析得出江阴和南京是长江下游感潮河段设计水位计算方法选择中较为重要的两个分界点。

    The gist for choosing reasonable calculation methods for designed navigable stage is put forward . And with the case study of the lower tidal reaches of the Yangtze River , there come to a conclusion that Nanjing and Jiangyin are the two important dividing points in method choosing .

  30. 根据已建的船舶辅锅炉数学模型,分别设计锅炉水位、锅炉汽包压力和锅炉燃油温度PID控制算法,并对其进行了实时的联合控制仿真。

    According to the established mathematical mode of marine auxiliary boiler , the PID control algorithm of boiler water level , boiler steam drum pressure and boiler fuel temperature are designed , carrying on the real-time simulation of joint control .