
lùn shù
  • discuss;expound;deal with;treatment;elucidate;relate and analyze;maintain a point in an argument;expound elaborate
论述 [lùn shù]
  • [discuss;expound elaborate; elucidate; maintain a point in an argument] 论证阐述

  • 一篇关于关税作用的学术性论述

论述[lùn shù]
  1. 我会在第7章详细论述日常饮食在抗癌中的作用。

    I will discuss the role of diet in cancer prevention in Chapter 7

  2. 书中每章的标题告诉你该章所论述的内容。

    The chapter heads of the book tell you what the chapters discuss .

  3. 她这篇文章论述的是研究中使用的方法。

    Her article is a discussion of the methods used in research .

  4. 她对未来发展的可能性有一些饶有兴味的论述。

    She has some interesting observations on possible future developments .

  5. 这些问题不属本文论述范围。

    These issues were outside the scope of the article .

  6. 这个问题将在下一章详细论述。

    This issue will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter .

  7. 这个题目将在下一章里详细论述。

    This topic will be discussed at greater length in the next chapter .

  8. 然后他转入对无神论的论述。

    He then segued into a discussion of atheism .

  9. 这段论述充满根本性的错误。

    The argument is full of fundamental flaws .

  10. 本书论述了近50年来家庭生活的变化程度。

    The book discusses the extent to which family life has changed over the past 50 years .

  11. 本书的优点是对这个论点的基本事实有翔实的论述。

    The strength of the book is that it puts flesh on the bare bones of this argument .

  12. 《牛津化学初级读本》丛书旨在论述有机化学中的重要问题。

    The Oxford Chemistry Primers aim to cover important topics in organic chemistry

  13. 道金斯以呼吁解放结束了他的论述。

    Dawkins ends his discussion with a call for liberation

  14. 生态政治和性别政治论述请见第4章。

    For a discussion of biology and sexual politics , see chapter 4 .

  15. 那只是一笔带过的评论,他没有继续论述。

    It was just a passing comment , he didn 't go on about it

  16. 阿尔都塞的著作主要是论述法国的。

    Althusser 's writings are focused mainly on France

  17. 在这里不可能完整地论述古罗马军团复杂的历史。

    It is impossible here to do justice to the complex history of the Legion .

  18. 汤姆·潘恩在18世纪90年代教育平民激进分子时论述到,如果不是为了实现王公、外交官和士兵借发起战争而使自己富有的潜在利益,人类本会生活在和谐之中。

    In the 1790s Tom Paine taught plebeian radicals that mankind would live in harmony were it not for the vested interest which princes , diplomats and soldiers had in promoting wars to enrich themselves .

  19. 他们已经出版了很多论述国际问题的新书。

    They 've published a lot of new books on international issues .

  20. 本文按历史顺序论述那些事件。

    The paper deals with the events in historical sequence .

  21. 接下来论述了激光通信中多径效应的特殊性。

    Then this paper discusses particularity of multipath effect of laser .

  22. 该报告对该公司的问题作了综合性的论述。

    The report takes a global view of the company 's problems .

  23. 他不想再详细论述这个问题。

    He will not dwell any longer on this question .

  24. 这是完全相同的,毫不含糊的论述。

    That is perfectly equivalent , and equally unambiguous statement .

  25. 本文准备就以下三个问题分别加以论述。

    This paper will take up the following three questions one by one .

  26. 论述了关于点的合成运动的定理的解析推导方法。

    The analytic method of the composite motion theorem of points has been discussed .

  27. 主要关心的是重新考虑和详细论述Riemann已经稍为粗略地讨论过的题目

    Christoffel 's major concern was to reconsider and amplify the theme already treated somewhat sketchily by Riemann . Christoffel

  28. 下一部分将详细论述环境法令的问题。

    The next section will consider this environmental statute in detail .

  29. 随后对委托书的格式、内容、期限以及能否实行有偿征集、征集费用由谁承担以及违反该制度的法律责任进行论述,并提出自己的一些见解

    Section IV is about the proxy solicitation system and corporate governance .

  30. 于是我把价值创造的价值分配分别开来论述。

    The value that then I create value allocates part to discuss .