
  • 网络computer operating system
  1. SUN公司开发的计算机操作系统。

    Computer operating system from SUN .

  2. 苹果公司使用next公司开发的软件创造出了macos计算机操作系统软件。

    Apple used software developed at next to create the Mac OS computer operating system .

  3. 计算机操作系统CAI课件3.0版的设计与开发

    The Designing and Developing Of Cai of the Computer Operating System Course

  4. 关键是.IE浏览器已经失去了上个世纪在计算机操作系统上的统治地位。

    IE is losing ground on last century 's dominant computing platform .

  5. 近年来,在计算机操作系统方面,Windows操作系统独占市场的局面已经打破了。

    In recent years , in the computer operating system domain , it was broken that the Windows Operating System monopolize market .

  6. 第二,计算机操作系统采用Windows+RTX(RealTimeExtension),为数据传输软件提供了实时平台。

    Secondly , Windows + RTX ( Real Time Extension ) which is selected as the operation system of host computer provides the platform for the software of data transmission .

  7. 由于该平台的研发依托于CDMA无线宽带技术、计算机操作系统、气象基本业务系统等通用技术,提高了系统的兼容性。

    ⅳ, this platform is developed in compatibility based on CDMA wireless broadband technology , computer operating system and weather basic operating system .

  8. 本着这一精神,朝鲜还宣称已经研发出了自己的计算机操作系统“红星”(RedStar)——看起来是模仿了苹果(Apple)的MacOSX。

    In this spirit , thecountry has also said it developed its own computer operating system , Red Star , which appears to mimic Apple 's Mac OS X.

  9. Linux是当前最具发展潜力的计算机操作系统,用Linux构建网络服务器已成为网络服务器的发展方向。

    The computer operation system with high potential of development , using Linux technology to set up the network server has become the development direction of network server .

  10. 这个项目由贝尔实验室、MIT和GE共同参与,目标是开发一种新的计算机操作系统。

    This was a joint effort of Bell Labs , MIT , and GE to develop a new computer operating system .

  11. 除了基于Android平台的手机之外,过去一年内,谷歌推出了一款互联网浏览器,并公布了开发计算机操作系统的计划。

    Beyond Android-based handsets , Google in the past year has introduced a web browser and has announced plans for a PC operating system .

  12. 被动指纹识别技术基于每种操作系统的IP协议栈都有其自身特点的原理,通过捕捉和分析网络中的数据包从而确定周围计算机操作系统的类型。

    The passive fingerprinting is based on the principle that every operating system ′ s IP stack has its own idiosyncrasies and determines the type operating system by capturing , analyzing packets in the network .

  13. 线程是现代计算机操作系统中的最重要概念之一,本文利用Java支持多线程编程的特性,设计出了两个演示多线程并行执行的Java程序,对于理解线程的概念能起到非常好的帮助。

    A thread is one of the most important concepts in computer modern operating systems . The Java language supports multiple-thread programming . Two Java programs are given in this paper to show that multiple threads execute concurrently .

  14. 借助现代计算机操作系统理论和技术的新进展,利用客户/服务器模型,结合数据库管理系统(DBMS)将GIS设计成操作系统的基本扩展。

    Referring to the new advances of current computer operating systems , based on the database management system ( DBMS ) and client / server model , GIS is redesigned as the basic extension of the computer operating system .

  15. 根据对WindowsVista最新测试版的初步评估,微软(Microsoft)已向着全面完成该计算机操作系统迈进了一大步,不过该公司自己设定的最终发布日期仍存在变数。

    Microsoft has taken a big step towards completing Windows Vista , though its own self-imposed deadline for releasing the computer operating system still hangs in the balance , according to early reviews of the latest test version of the software .

  16. 反馈节点集问题源于组合电路的设计,在预防计算机操作系统的死锁、VLSI芯片设计、计算机程序证明以及贝叶斯推论等方面都有极其重要的应用。

    Feedback vertex set problems originated from the area of combinatorial circuit design , and have found numerous important applications in other fields such as deadlock prevention in operating systems , VLSI design , program verification , Bayesian inference and so on .

  17. 基于工作过程的计算机操作系统教学实践

    Teaching Practice of Computer Operating System Based on the Work Process

  18. 实时仿真计算机操作系统平台的实现

    The Realization of Operating System Platform for Real-time Simulated Computer

  19. 文件处理系统是计算机操作系统的重要组成部份。

    File processing system is an important part of the computer operating system .

  20. 高职院校计算机操作系统的教学探索

    The teaching exploration of professional universities and colleges ' computer operating system course

  21. 计算机操作系统体系结构综述

    A Comprehensive Review of the Computer Operation System Structure

  22. 浅谈计算机操作系统备份还原之技巧

    Talking about the Skills of the Backup and Recondition of Computer Operation System

  23. 学生将检验计算机操作系统结构。

    Students will examine computer operating system architecture .

  24. 异种计算机操作系统之间实时数据通信的实现

    Realization of Real-Time Communication between Different Computer Systems

  25. 计算机操作系统课型改革的研究与实践

    Study and practice for the reformation of the lesson type of computer operate systerm

  26. 计算机操作系统的教学与学生能力的培养

    Teaching - Learning of Computer Operation System and Foster Method of Students ' Ability

  27. 本文介绍了在计算机操作系统的教学中采用分组教学法的体验。

    This writer makes an experimental research on the grouping teaching in college volleyball .

  28. 计算机操作系统原理与实例分析,蒲晓蓉张伟利,机械工业出版社(教材)

    Operating System Internals and Design principles , William Stallings , TsingHua University Press .

  29. 计算机操作系统中生产者-消费者问题分析

    Analysis of Producer-Consumer Problem in Computer Operating System

  30. 浅谈《计算机操作系统》课程的教学改进

    Suggestion for the teaching of computer operating system