
yán ɡuān
  • imperial censors
言官 [yán guān]
  • [imperial censors] 谏官

  • 被言官听劾,拿送法司究问。--《警世通言》

  1. 言官指封建王朝的监察官员。

    The word refers to the feudal dynasties supervisory official .

  2. 论明朝中后期言官的蜕变

    On Supervisors ' Transmuting during Middle and Late Ming Dynasty

  3. 明初的言官与理学有着密切联系。

    In the early stage of the Ming Dynasty , the supervisor was closely related with Neo-Confucianism .

  4. 言官由澄清吏治的清洁剂变成败坏吏治的腐蚀剂,这种群体的堕落对明中后期社会影响甚巨。

    Supervisors changed from detergent to decay which resulted in much influence on the middle and late Ming Dynasty .

  5. 最后论述嘉靖朝言官的变化对明晚期的影响:一是对地方吏治的败坏;二是开启明末的党争之祸。

    Finally , toward the changes of Supervisors effect lately Ming : First , the corruption of local officialdom ; second , cause the party struggles .

  6. 而在正式的言官系统之外,清代也要求其他京官对地方事务负有一定的监督责任,但效果并不理想。

    In addition to the official supervision system , other Beijing officers were asked to be responsible for supervising some local affairs too , although without little effectiveness .

  7. 为保证言官尽职,明代确立了一些激励和保障机制,包括鼓励直言、慎选言官、畀以重权、给予重赏等六个方面。

    Some encouragement and security systems were built to make the supervisors do well , such as encouraging speech , selecting supervisors carefully , giving power and reward , etc.

  8. 明代言官勇于直谏的可贵精神,是中华民族精神在古代优秀知识分子身上的一种折射,值得肯定和发扬。

    The valuable spirit that the Supervisors in Ming Dynasty advised bravely is the refraction of Chinese national spirit in ancient outstanding intelligences , which deserves affirmation and development .

  9. 但皇权的打击埋下了言官群体分化蜕变的祸根。语言:官方语言为丹麦语。法罗群岛居民讲法罗语。

    However , Emperor 's stroke covered up the disaster that supervisors began to divide and transmute . Language : Danish is the official language . Faroese is spoken in the Faroe Islands .

  10. 明代建立了历史上最为完善的言官制度,对言官的职权、选任、地位和升黜等都有明确的规定,是言官实现其政治功能的重要保证。

    The most perfect Ming Censorate System is built and supervisors ' authority of office , selection , status , going up or down are definitely stipulated , which are the important guarantees that supervisors can realize their political functions .

  11. 作为明代官僚集团中司职监察的一个群体,明中后期部分言官在艰难的环境中仍扮演了明朝政体清洁剂的角色,在澄清吏治方面有所作为。

    As a group that in charge of supervising in the Ming Dynasty bureaucrat , some of supervisors played the role of detergent of Ming government in difficult environment and did good to cleaning offical management during the middle and late Ming Dynasty .

  12. 本文从言官制度的形成及言官的培养和选拔入手,探讨理学统治地位的确立及言官与理学对明初政治风气、学术风气的影响。

    Beginning with the description about the formation of the supervisory system and the training and the selection of the supervisor , this article discusses about the ruling position of Neo-Confucianism and the impact of the supervisor and Neo-Confucianism on the political and academic state in the Ming Dynasty .

  13. 换言之,验尸官能够找到这些东西。因为这是致命的“毒方”不仅会毁掉银行,也会毁掉我们的经济。

    In other words , a coroner could find these things because this is a fatal recipe that will destroy the banks as well as the economy .