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chù jí
  • touch;get at
触及 [chù jí]
  • [touch] 接触到;触动;涉及;以感情深深影响

  • 触及人们的灵魂

  • 触及事物的本质

触及[chù jí]
  1. 她信步而行,享受着湿漉漉的草地触及双脚的感觉。

    She trod casually , enjoying the touch of the damp grass on her feet .

  2. 那么有什么她不愿触及的禁忌吗?她毫不犹豫地回答:“政治。”

    So is there any taboo she wouldn 't touch ? Unhesitatingly she replies , ' Politics . '

  3. 我认为我们还没有触及问题的关键。

    I did not feel that we had got to the heart of the matter .

  4. 她弯腰向下,左右手交叉触及脚趾。

    She reached down , touching her toes with opposite hands

  5. 我们都觉得似乎触及到了他内心的伤痛。

    We all felt as if we were intruding on his private grief .

  6. 滥用药物是体育赛事中无人想要触及的棘手问题。

    Drug abuse is a can of worms nobody wants to open at sporting events .

  7. 他的舞蹈触及了人类内心深处的某种东西。

    His dance touches upon something profound in the human mind .

  8. 水蒸气触及冷的表面即凝结成水。

    Steam condenses to water when it touches a cold surface .

  9. 这本书仅仅触及而没有深刻揭示封建社会的主要矛盾。

    The book merely touches on the main contradiction of feudal society , it does not go into it deeply .

  10. 他没有触及问题的核心。

    He didn 't get to the core of the subject .

  11. 这话触及(到)了他的痛处。

    This remark touched a sore spot with him .

  12. 说的这些都有道理,但仅触及了问题的表面。

    All this is fair enough , but it touches only the surface of the problem .

  13. 不过,就目前而言,生物占了上风——即使是在这样一个会杀死几乎所有触及之物的湖泊里。

    For now , though , life prevails – even in a lake that kills almost everything it touches .

  14. 那一年,我参加了一个研讨会,会上要求我们创建一个能够触及世界的项目。

    That year , I attended a seminar where we were asked to create a project that would touch the world .

  15. 然而,技术也是运用科学知识来解决问题,通过无数方法来触及人们的生活。

    However , technology is also the application of scientific knowledge to solve a problem , touching lives in countless ways .

  16. 我们没触及问题的核心。

    We didn 't get to the core of the subject .

  17. 我的声音却无法触及你。

    And my voice does not touch you

  18. 我的声音无法触及你:

    And my voice does not reach you

  19. 话题触及国防,缩合字,缩写字和行话就满天飞

    Scratch the subject of defence and acronyms , abbreviations , and buzzwords fly out .

  20. 例句当我问及小陈她妈妈的时候,看得出来我触及到了她的痛处。

    I could tell I 'd touched a nerve when I asked Chen about her mother .

  21. 我可以盼望它扩散到它所触及的每一个人、体会到欢乐举动的那些人会将它传递下去。

    And I can hope that it 'll spread to everyone it touches , that those who experience an act of joy will pass it on .

  22. 我只是触及了Ming库可为您提供的操作的表面。

    I 've just touched the surface of what you can do with the Ming library .

  23. 如果您想试图影响我们的图像缓存计划,那么您只能触及应用服务器1%到3%的Web请求。

    When you factor in our aggressive image caching plans , you 'll only hit the application server for1 % to3 % of all Web requests .

  24. ~(99m)Tc-MIBI显像对乳腺可触及肿块良恶性质的鉴别

    Differentiation of benign and malignant palpable breast masses using 99m Tc MIBI imaging

  25. 虽然CMT和BT分别触及隐喻的不同方面,但两者之间具有较强的互补性。

    Although CMT and BT tackle different aspects of metaphoric conceptualization , they are largely complementary .

  26. 据报道,尽管索科尔已引起美国证券交易委员会(SecuritiesandExchangeCommission)对其是否触及法律界限的关注,但谁知道还会不会有这方面的后续报道呢。

    And though Sokol is reportedly getting some attention now from the securities and Exchange Commission on the legality front , who knows if we will ever hear again about that .

  27. jQueryAjax请求将数据发布到Web页面并使用结果页面的数据;并没有通过编程方式触及该方法本身。

    The jQuery Ajax request posts data to a Web page and uses the resulting page data ; it 's not programmatically touching the method itself .

  28. 此外,SP阳性轴突末梢还可与NT阳性神经元的树突棘形成对称性轴-棘突触及与NT阳性轴突形成对称性轴-轴突触。

    In addition , SP-positive axonal terminals established symmetric axospinous synapses with NT-positive dendritic spines , and axo-axonic synapses with NT-positive axons .

  29. 香港恒生指数(HangSeng)收于25701.13点,上涨0.6%,盘中一度触及25773.60点的历史高点。

    The Hang Seng in Hong Kong rose 0.6 per cent to 25,701.13 , after hitting an all-time high of 25, 773.60 points .

  30. 从本系列上一篇文章开篇起,我几乎一直在谈论XML,但对于XML在Ajax应用模式中的贡献而言,我触及的依然仅仅是表面。

    I 've talked about XML nearly non-stop since the last article in this series began , but have still really only scratched the surface of XML 's contribution to the Ajax equation .