
In modern large-scale pig farms , the PRRSV and PCV2 usually co-infect the pigs , and increasing outbreak is observed .
Piglets Huang pullorum disease , which often caused a large number of pigs deaths or become stiff pigs , is a extremely difficult issue in large pig farms .
The important tasks waiting to be completed currently in raising pigs are to protect the environment and to keep a balanced development between intensive pig industry and environment protection .
Regional planning of pig husbandry with environmental protection using GIS Study of Meat-dog Husbandry Attached to a Massive Pig Farm
The fifth part , taking scale pig-farming industry as an example , discusses the influence and effect of coupling of pig-farming eco-industrial chain by logistic model .
The person announced on23 January to have tested positive for ERV antibodies is reported to be a backyard pig farmer from Valenzuela City-a neighbourhood within Metro Manila .
Study on Determinants of Biogas Engineering Development in Large-scale Pig Farms
Study on Treatment and Utilization of Swine Waste in Large-scale Farm
Research and application of sewage disposal technics in large hoggery
Large-scale Hog Farming and Excrement Treatment in Hainan Province
Surveillance of Classical Swine Fever , Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome and Pseudorabies
Design of sewage treatment engineering on large-scale swine farm
Advanced integrated pond system was used to treat the large scale piggery wastewater .
Studies on matching technology of breeding system and feeding management in Scaled Pig Farms
Research on Recycling Model Construction and Technology Integration of Feces From Large-scale Pig Farm
Study on environmental control of a large-scale piggery
The serum samples from 9 intensive pig farms were tested for antibody against hog cholera .
The large-scale pig farms and pig farming community is becoming the new trend of hog production .
The early Weaning technology is commonly concerned and used in tensive and large-scale domestic pig-production in advanced technologies .
There occurred swine streptococcosis at different degree in large-scale piggery in Huanghe River Mouth Area from 2005 to 2009 .
The article introduces the source of the wastewater of a large-scale piggery farms , wastewater production and the pollutants of the concentration .
In recent years , with the rapid development of swine rising in our country , the number of large-scale hoggery is increasing .
With the rapid increase in the proportion of large-scale pig , the new problems that bring environmental pollution have become an urgent need to solve .
Nutritional Measures of Reducing the Environment Pollution Caused by Large-scale Piggery Study on Pollution Situation at Typical Chrome Residue Contaminated Sites and Corresponding Integrated Remediation Plan
The thought of circular economic opens up new avenues to alleviate the large-scale pig farming pollution , and achieve sustained and healthy development of large-scale pig farming industry .
In recent ten years , developing with the large-scale pig farm , waste disposal and use become problems needed to be solved in order to make large-scale pig farm growth health .
Colibacillosis is a very common disease of livestock diseases , often caused by the dissemination of local or small-scale outbreak , especially for large-scale pig farms , the more serious the harm , economic losses larger .
The number of 315 live pigs from 6 pig-farms in a large scale and some farmers in Guangxi were investigated . It was found that the pigs were infected with the parasitic disease to some extent in different growth period .
According to the Ministry of Agriculture statistics , as the end of 2008 , the number of large-scale pig slaughter accounts for the total has reached 62 % . Large-scale has become the trend of swine industry in the future .
With the rapid development of the large-scale pig farm in China , the feces waste water discharge continuously increased , and caused serious environmental pollution . It has become important issues that need to be resolved for large-scale pig sustainable development .