
  • 网络opinion leader
  1. 论领导观念和领导者素质

    On Concept of Lead and Quality of Leader

  2. 我们比以往任何时候都更需要一位能够超越旧思想和正统观念的领导者,他还应该能够理解为了我们的将来而进行观念和技术投资的重要性。

    More than ever , we need a leader who will look beyond the old thinking and orthodoxies and who understands the importance of investment in ideas and technology for our future .

  3. 在亚马逊的价值观中,包含了一条具有煽动性的理性观念,即其领导者“决策正确”。

    Among its values is the seditiously sensible notion that its leaders " are right , a lot . "