
  1. 21世纪的生态农业模式农业观光园

    Agriculture and Tourism Garden of Ecological Agriculture in the 21st Century

  2. 近年来重庆市的农业观光园发展的如火如荼。

    In recent years , the development of chongqing agriculture sightseeing park .

  3. 农业观光园道路规划主要技术指标的研究

    Key Technical Indicators in Road Planning in Agricultural Sightseeing Garden

  4. 构建远郊农业观光园的生态安全格局

    Construct Safe Layout of the Agricultural Park in Outer Suburbs

  5. 近年来农业观光园发展速度极快。

    In recent years , the development speed of agricultural sightseeing garden .

  6. 临沂市农业观光园选址适宜性评价研究

    Evaluation on Suitability of Agriculture Sightseeing Parks in Linyi

  7. 生态.经济与文化共融&张家界生态农业观光园可持续发展规划研究

    Ecology , economy and culture & Study of Zhangjiajie ecological touring-agriculture garden on sustainable development

  8. 农业观光园的规划理论研究

    Study on the Planning of Tourism Agriculture

  9. 并对发展生态农业观光园可能的影响因素进行探讨,提出部分可行性建议。

    And it discussed the possibility equations and come up with a proportion of feasible recommendation .

  10. 生态规划在休闲农业观光园项目策划中的应用研究

    Research on the plication of ecological planning in the project planning of agriculture nad tourism garden

  11. 论生态效益和经济效益并重的农业观光园规划设计

    Planning and Design of Agricultural Sightseeing Garden by Keeping Balance in Ecological Benefit and Economic Benefit

  12. 为了更好的让您了解观光园的特色和全貌,我将为你提供全面的讲解服务。

    In order to give you a right picture of our garden , I 'd like to give you visitors a full presentation .

  13. 近年来,农业观光园作为一种新兴的农业发展模式和旅游形式得到了人们的广泛关注。

    In recent years , agricultural tourism park as a new model of agricultural development and forms of tourism has been widespread concern .

  14. 希望对农业观光园景观规划能营造出良好的意象,增强对游客的吸引力,具有更持久生命力。

    Hope for agricultural sightseeing garden landscape planning to create a good image , enhance the attraction for tourists , has a more lasting vitality .

  15. 观光园温室安装有视频监测系统和温室数据采集系统,它是现代信息技术在都市农业中的应用。

    The sightseeing garden glasshouse has video monitoring system and data collecting system , which present the use of modern information technology in urban agriculture .

  16. 农业公园景观规划的理论与方法探析&以重庆市黔江生态农业观光园规划为例

    A Study on Theories and Approaches in Landscape Planning for an Agricultural Park & An Example of the Qianjiang Eco Agricultural Tour Area in Chongqing

  17. 接着就景观空间的界面营造、空间序列的安排以及农业景观元素的空间运用等几方面作具体的展开。最后总结农业观光园中的景观空间设计内容,就不足之处作出补充说明。

    Finally , the paper will give a conclusion about the interface construction , arrangement of space sequence and the use of agricultural landscape elements .

  18. 道路作为观光园的重要组成部分,其功能为连接观光园内各个景点、服务设施,起到组织交通、引导游览和形成景观等的重要作用。

    Agricultural tour park roads are important component of agricultural tour park . Their function is to connect the various park tourist attractions , service facilities .

  19. 2农业观光园的规划过程就是要素整合的过程:即要素的筛选、组织和融合。

    Planning agri-tourism garden is the process of integration of the basic design elements : the screening , organization and fusion of the elements . 3 .

  20. 采取生态规划的方法.通过对农业科技观光园的规划设计、探索出了一条经济发达地区农业土地资源持续利用的开发模式。

    We have discussed planning methods of Agricultural Hi-tech Touring Garden and thus to find a sustainable exploitation approach of agricultural land resources in developed region .

  21. 但经过这些年发展,老的一批农业观光园景观衰败、项目雷同,缺乏特色。

    But after these years of development , the old one batch of agricultural sightseeing garden landscape decline , similar projects , the lack of characteristics .

  22. 第三章通过归纳演绎法提炼出川渝地区生态农业观光园规划设计的相关理论,作为规划设计的依据。

    The third chapter extracted the Sichuan-Chongqing region ecological agricultural tourism park planning and design theory as a basis for planning and design by inductive deductive method .

  23. 目前,处于西部大开发的川渝地区生态农业观光园的规划建设正是如此。

    At present , the planning and construction of ecological agricultural tourism park of Sichuan-Chongqing region which is the part of the western development is the case .

  24. 然后,进行了生态农业观光园规划设计的相关理论探索,总结出五条需遵循的规划原则。

    Then , it made the exploring of related theory of eco-agricultural tourism garden planning and design , summed up five landscape design principle that is need term with .

  25. 最后,通过剖析相关案例,简要介绍本人参与生态农业观光园规划设计的实践收获,总结经验。

    Lastly , through analyzing some relevant cases , it briefly introduced the eco-agricultural tourism garden planning and design practice achievement which I took part in and the concluded experience .

  26. 将景观生态学与环境行为学的理论引入农业生态旅游地的规划中来,规划了莲花山农业观光园,并运用提出的评价模型对规划方案进行实证评价。

    This paper introduces the view of landscape Ecology and environmental behaviouristics theory in the plan of the lotus flower mountain agriculture garden and uses the appraisal model to evaluate scheme .

  27. 第二章通过查阅大量的文献和专业理论,归纳总结生态农业观光园的基本情况,作为理论研究的基础。

    Chapter ⅱ through accessed to a large body of literature and professional theory , summed up the basic summary of ecological agriculture garden , as the basis for theoretical studies .

  28. 由此借鉴城市意象的研究方法对农业观光园景观规划从不同以往的角度(即游人对景观空间的感知角度)进行实例的分析研究其意象形成的原因。

    The reference of city image research method of agricultural sightseeing garden landscape from different angles ( i.e. visitors on landscape space perception ) are examples of the analysis of the image forming reason .

  29. 单作茶园SO2含量比杉木-茶间作茶园高5.71%,比生态观光园4种间作茶园平均高23.33%。

    The content of SO2 in pure tea plantation was 5.71 % higher than that in Chinese fir-tea intercropping plantation , and was 23.33 % higher than in that four types of ecological tea garden .

  30. 生态农业观光园以生态农产品开发为基础,结合了休闲娱乐、参与农事、科普教育等多种功能,近年来在我国得到了蓬勃发展。

    It is based on the development of eco-agricultural products and integrates many functions as entertainment , farming participating and science education . It is flourish in China these years and have a promising future .