
  • 网络Xitan;WEST BEACH
  1. 西滩金矿属少硫化物石英脉型金矿。

    The Xitan gold deposit is of a quartz vein type with little sulfides .

  2. 模拟结果分析表明:伶仃洋悬沙运动主要集中在西滩,对伶仃航道影响不大;

    Analyses of the computed results showed that the suspended sediment movement mainly existed in the West Shoal , which had little effect on the Lingdingyang channel .

  3. 对AVS/SEM摩尔比值和单个金属的毒性效应研究显示,珠江口内尤其是西滩的表层沉积物存在重金属污染,对其中生活的底栖生物具有潜在的毒性效应。

    The study on the excess heavy metal content defined by AVS / SEM molar ratio and on the toxicity effect of the single SEM suggest that the upper sediment may cause toxicity to the benthos in the Zhujiang River estuary , especially in the west shoal .

  4. 西大滩洗煤厂原有的煤泥处理系统已达不到生产要求,为此,选用了处理能力大、效率高、效果好,并采用多项最新专利的KM-250/1600型隔膜式压滤机。

    The KM-250 / 1600 quick membrane pressure filter with great treatment capacity , high efficiency , good result and several latest patents are used .

  5. 结果表明:冬季崇西湿地潮滩鱼类主要由淡水小型鱼类组成,共23种,隶属7科,20属。

    The intertidal fishes are almost composed of the fresh water and small-sized fishes , consisting of 23 species , 7 families , 20 genera .