
  1. 想当年老娘也是记者一名,是西南丹佛社区学院的时事新闻组成员,在全国都有我们成打的观众群呢。

    I used to be a reporter . For the southwest Denver community college action news team . We reached dozens of viewers all across the country .

  2. 美国民间惟一现存的戏剧传统,是西南部西班牙裔社区宗教壮观表演中的那部分,尤其是圣诞节和复活节的表演。

    The only living tradition of folk drama in the United States is part of the religious pageantry of the Spanish southwest , especially at Christmas time , but also at easter .

  3. 此外,该州州长约翰·贝尔·爱德华兹要求西南部三个社区的居民待在室内,因为飓风袭击某地引起的一场化学火灾产生了有毒气体。

    Also , Governor John Bel Edwards has asked residents in three southwestern communities to stay indoors as a toxic plume rises from a chemical fire in an area hit by the hurricane .