
bāo yì
  • commendatory
褒义 [bāo yì]
  • [commendatory] 词句含有褒扬或歌颂意义

褒义[bāo yì]
  1. “对牛弹琴”的成语大家都明白并不是一个褒义词,但英国一个奶牛场的农夫RobTaverner却不这么认为。

    We all knowthe phrase " howling at the moon " is not a commendatory term , butthe British one dairy farmer Rob Taverner do not think so .

  2. 然而,“政治家”一词带有褒义色彩。

    However , the word " statesman " has a commendatory sense .

  3. great大多用于指重要性、特性、能力或程度(通常含褒义)。

    Great is mostly used when talking ( usually approvingly ) about importance , quality , ability or extent .

  4. 如果quite有次重音或无重音,则全句较具褒义,也可能表示惊奇。

    If " quite " receives secondary or no stress the sentence expresses more approval and possibly surprise .

  5. 新闻语料库与T4和MEE相比较,中性转述动词、褒义转述动词及贬义转述动词的分布均有显著性差异;

    There is significant difference of the distribution of negative reporting verbs between four corpora ;

  6. 其色彩义则体现为感情态度平和的中性色彩,有时还具有褒义色彩。再次,本文进一步对X控族新词的语法功能及语用价值进行探讨。

    Its colour meaning embodies feelings of peace for attitude neuter colour . Again , this paper further to " X k ò ng " of the new family of pragmatic value grammatical function and discussed in this paper .

  7. 人们用超级强国(hyperpower)形容美国时,并非褒义。

    When the term hyperpower was first applied to the United States , it was not intended favourably .

  8. 褒义性、含蓄性、生动性和形象性是其主要的语义特征。

    Its main semantic characteristics are commendation , implicitness and vividness .

  9. 可是,说某物是酷的话通常是褒义的。

    However , to describe something as cool is always positive .

  10. 这个词用在男性身上时,多含褒义。

    When applied to men , the word describes a positive trait .

  11. 一个好的广告通常会使用那些在人们心中带有褒义色彩的词语。

    A good ad often uses words to which people attach positive meanings .

  12. 此外,就词义的表情功能而言,词汇有褒义和贬义之分。

    Vocabulary has distinction of commendatory and derogatory meanings .

  13. 尽管有些贬义,但西方学者却把它当成一个中性甚至是褒义词。

    Although somewhat derogatory , Westerners tend to use it without the derogatory connotations .

  14. “很现实的”,褒义。

    I 'm a very practical person .

  15. 一个是表示褒义的词自由,另一个是表示贬义的词偶然。

    One is the eulogistic word freedom , and the other is the opprobrious word chance .

  16. 由于语义上扬的特点,委婉语的情感语义显示出明显的褒义倾向;

    Affective meaning of euphemism makes it tend to be a commendatory term due to semantic glorification ;

  17. 留下你的评论,告诉我们你所知道的褒义、贬义形容词吧。

    Leave a comment telling us whether you think the other adjectives have a positive or negative connotation .

  18. 这则成语有两个相反的意思:一个是指不畏困难勇猛向前(褒义);

    This idiom has two opposite meanings : One means people advance bravely despite hardships ( commendatory meaning ) .

  19. 前者包括意义的增加和减弱,后者包括褒义色彩和贬义色彩。

    The former includes meaning increase and meaning decrease , and the latter , commendatory emotions and derogatory emotions .

  20. 褒义词和贬义词的研究涉及语言学及其相关的诸多领域。

    The study on approving words and derogatory words deals with a wide range of linguistics and other subjects concerned .

  21. 同样的颜色可能在一中文化中是褒义,而在另一种文化中是贬义。

    The same color can have a positive meaning in one culture , while in another , a negative meaning .

  22. 嗯,人们发现潮湿这个词与一个毫不相干的、有讨喜的褒义词搭配出现时最讨厌,比如天堂。

    Well , people found moist most aversive when it follows an unrelated , pleasant word , such as paradise .

  23. 许多在一国之内看似无害或褒义的手势,在另一国家却可能被认为极具侮辱性,甚至于下流。

    Many hand gestures that are innocuous or positive in one country can be incredibly insulting or obscene in another .

  24. 能力:根据词褒义与贬义的色彩,提高学生理解和运用词语的能力。

    Capacity : According to the color word commendatory and derogatory to improve students ability to understand and use words .

  25. 显然,前者是个明显褒义的头衔,但近几年来,我们却很难这样区分。

    The former , obviously , is the far better title , but it 's tough to claim these days .

  26. 韩佳,我要是放得好的话,你得给我找一个褒义的成语夸我。

    Han Jia , if I do a good job herding my sheep , you must use a commendatory idiom to praise me .

  27. 当代不是一个褒义词,因为这可以理解成艺术学院类的摄影,模仿老师们的作品;或者是画廊可能会喜欢的作品。

    Contemporary is not a good word , because it could mean art-school photography , mimicking the teachers ; what galleries might want .

  28. 你们将看到,这个问题非常突出,没有什么褒义术语能够掩饰或排除它。

    The issue , it will be seen , is a perfectly sharp one , which no eulogistic terminology can smear over or wipe out .

  29. “大家都知道,毅力用于褒义而顽固用于贬义”(劳伦斯·斯顿)。

    " 'Tis known by the name of perseverance in a good cause , & and of obstinacy in a bad one "( Laurence Sterne ) .

  30. 在不同的言语行为中我们发现,使用褒义词和贬义词时,英语中有时更倾向于使用中性词。

    In different speech acts , we find that Chinese tends to use appreciative words and derogatory words , while English tends to use neutral words .