
hè sè zhī fánɡ
  • brown fat
  1. 研究综合使用了正电子发射断层成象仪(PET)以及断层扫描成象仪(CT),以识别褐色脂肪。

    The studies combined images taken with positron-emission tomography , or PET machines , with those from computed tomography , or CT machines , to identify the brown fat .

  2. 研究人员还能够通过用BMP-7预处理不成熟的褐色脂肪细胞,并移植到小鼠体内,使小鼠长出额外的褐色脂肪细胞。

    The researchers were also able to get mice to develop extra brown fat cells by pre-treating immature brown fat cells with BMP-7 and transplanting them into the mice .

  3. 荷兰马斯垂克大学(MaastrichtUniversity)的研究人员发现,人置身较低温度下就可以迅速激活褐色脂肪。

    The researchers from Maastricht University found that brown tissue can be activated quickly by exposing people to colder temperatures .

  4. 褐色脂肪组织(BAT)的重量、线粒体蛋白含量、细胞色素C氧化酶活力和α-磷酸甘油氧化酶活力,在夏季处于一年中的最低水平,到了冬季这些指标达到一年中的最高水平。

    The wet weight , mitochondrial protein content , activities of cytochrome C oxidase and a-phosphoglycerol oxidase of brown adipose tissue ( BAT ) were the lowest in summer and the highest during hibernation .

  5. 目的探讨高脂饮食诱导肥胖抵抗大鼠褐色脂肪组织(BAT)、白色脂肪组织(WAT)和骨骼肌解偶联蛋白2(UCP2)基因的表达。

    Objective To explore the expression of uncoupling protein-2 mRNA in brown adipose tissue , white adipose tissue and skeletal muscle of diet-induced obesity-resistant ( DIO-R ) rats .

  6. 与对照组相比,布氏田鼠的褐色脂肪组织(BAT)重量在冷暴露12h~3d时降低,7~21d时则增加。

    Compared with the control , the weight of BAT and the total contents of DNA in BAT decreased during cold exposure from 12 hours to 3 days , but increased significantly from 7 to 28 days .

  7. 美国糖尿病、消化及肾脏疾病研究所(NationalInstituteofDiabetesandDigestiveandKidneyDiseases)的内分泌学家切利(FrancescoCeli)说,这一发现可能有助于开发相关药物,帮助人体生成更多褐色脂肪,或是激活现有的褐色组织。

    Francesco Celi , an endocrinologist at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases , said the findings may lead to the development of drugs that either help the body produce more of the brown fat or activate existing brown tissue .

  8. 达娜-法贝尔的BruceSpiegelman从事于这项研究,在一个电话采访中他说,研究人员一直在寻找能转化褐色脂肪细胞的基因。

    Dana-Farber 's Bruce Spiegelman , who worked on the research , said in a telephone interview that researchers have been trying to find the genes that turn brown fat cells on .

  9. 褐色脂肪组织(BAT)是小型哺乳动物冷适应性产热的主要器官,其产热调控的核心因素是解偶联蛋白(UCP)。

    Brown adipose tissue ( BAT ) is the major sites of cold-adaptive thermogenesis in small mammals , and uncoupling protein ( UCP ) in inner membrane of BAT mitochondria is the key molecule regulating and limiting thermogenesis .

  10. 说明能量能诱导大鼠褐色脂肪组织UCP1和白色脂肪组织UCP2基因表达,但降低骨骼肌UCP3基因的表达。

    Energy can induce the expression of gene of UCP1 in rat BAT and UCP2 in WAT , but decrease the expression of gene of UCP3 in skeletal muscle .

  11. 针刺胃经穴位对超重大鼠褐色脂肪细胞的影响

    Effect of Acupuncture of Stomach-meridian Acupoints on Brown Adipocytes in Extraweight Rats

  12. 那个没有被检测出含有褐色脂肪的是最肥胖的人。

    The one with no detectable brown fat was the most obese .

  13. 繁殖和运动对小型兽类褐色脂肪组织产热的影响

    Effect of Reproduction and Exercise on Brown Adipose Tissue Thermogenesis of Small Mammals

  14. 高原鼠兔褐色脂肪组织成分及功能的季节动态

    Seasonal dynamics of composition and function of brown adipose tissue for plateau pika

  15. 第8条:褐色脂肪助你轻松减肥?

    No.8 : Brown Fat for Easy Weight Loss ?

  16. 研究显示,它也有助于生成褐色脂肪。

    Research suggests it also helps create brown fat .

  17. 褐色脂肪组织产热航天员的产热和散热问题


  18. 光照和温度对根田鼠褐色脂肪组织产热能力的影响

    Effects of photoperiod and temperature on brown adipose tissue thermogenic properties in root vole

  19. 针刺对肥胖大鼠褐色脂肪组织产热作用的影响

    Effect of acupuncture on the thermogenic action in brown adipose tissue of obese rats

  20. 褐色脂肪组织产热

    Thermogenesis in Brown Adipose Tissue

  21. 布氏田鼠冷暴露中褐色脂肪组织的增补及解偶联蛋白基因表达

    The Recruitment of Brown Adipose Tissue and Expression of Uncoupling Protein Gene in Brandt 's Vole during Cold Exposure

  22. 乌索酸能够增强肌肉和提高褐色脂肪,促进卡路里燃烧医务部领先研究者克里斯多夫·亚当斯这样说。

    Ursolic acid ups muscle and brown fat , which boosts calorie burning , says lead researcher Christopher Adams , MD.

  23. [目的]观察针刺对超重大鼠的治疗作用以及对褐色脂肪细胞形态学影响。

    [ Objective ] To observe the effects of acupuncture in treating extraweight rats and on morphology of brown adipocytes .

  24. 研究还发现,褐色脂肪在女性、年轻病人以及消瘦病人身上更为常见。

    The studies also found that brown fat was more common in women , younger patients and patients who were thin .

  25. 长爪沙鼠冷驯化中褐色脂肪组织产热活性及解偶联蛋白基因表达

    Thermogenic capacity and expression of uncoupling protein gene of brown adipose tissue from Mongolian gerbils ( meriones unguiculatus ) during cold acclimation

  26. 研究人员说,熊果酸引起了与减少肥胖有关的高能量褐色脂肪的增加,但尚不清楚是如何引起的。

    Ursolic acid triggered an increase in high-energy brown fat associated with reduced obesity , though it isn 't known how , researchers said .

  27. 切利说,荷兰研究人员在《新英格兰医学期刊》公布的这一发现带来了从褐色脂肪着手进行非药物治疗的可能性。

    The findings of Dutch researchers published in the NEJM raise the possibility of nondrug treatments related to brown fat , Dr. Celi said .

  28. 并且他们发现小鼠产生了额外的褐色脂肪组织,比其它小鼠体重增长少,表明这是一种有潜力的减肥方法。

    And they found mice that developed extra brown fat tissue gained less weight than other mice , suggesting a potential use in weight loss .

  29. 即便在成人体内发现褐色脂肪时,这种脂肪也被认为和人体储存与消耗能量没有关系。

    Even when the brown fat was found in adults , it was believed to play no role in how the body stores and expends energy .

  30. 为了提高人们对褐色脂肪的储存量及加快褐色脂肪对卡路里的燃烧速度,科学家们已经展开了工作。

    Scientists are beginning to work on ways to increase people 's stores of brown fat and to turn up its metabolism to make it burn calories faster .