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kù tóu
  • see also 裤头儿
裤头 [kù tóu]
  • [shorts] 〈方〉∶裤衩

  • 游泳裤头

  1. 在髋部是倒三角形设计,裤头加宽,前面还有假拉链。

    They have inverted2 triangle panels on the hips3 , wide waist bands and a faux zip in the front .

  2. 从九月就开始穿大裤头了。

    And I 've been wearing big janine 's knickers since last february .

  3. 你现在失去工作,应该勒紧裤头节约点,不要经常出去逛街,买衣服了。

    Now you are out of work , you 'll have to tighten your belt and give up buying new clothes and going out so often .

  4. 且结构简单、使用方便,可作成保健背心、裤头以及保健腰带、护膝等等。

    The utility model has the advantages of simple structure and easy use , and can be used as a health-care vest , an underwear , a health-care waistband , kneepads , etc.

  5. 选手们身穿游泳裤,头戴游泳帽(头盔),口含一根小管用以呼吸,脚上还要套着脚蹼。

    Athletes wearing swimming trunks , wearing helmet and cap mouth contains a tube to breathe , and foot with fins .

  6. 艾丽西亚·凯斯今晚也登台演出,记者在下午捕捉到了她身着牛仔连体裤、头绑鲜艳发带排演的画面。

    Alicia Keys performed this evening and was pictured rehearsing during the afternoon , wearing a denim jumpsuit and colorful headwrap .