
  • 网络loading bridge;loader-unloader;transporter crane;portainer
  1. 35t集装箱装卸桥设计结构动力修改在集装箱装卸桥上的应用

    Design of 35 t transporter crane for container handling Dynamics Modification and It 's Application to Construction of Container Cranes

  2. 装卸桥主梁悬臂端下挠原因分析及修复

    Analysis of causes for the cantilevered end deflexion of main girder on transporter crane and the repair procedure

  3. 港口装卸桥金属结构CAD研究

    A Study on CAD of Metal Structure of Port Loading Bridge

  4. 基于PLC控制的岸边集装箱装卸桥系统起升控制设计

    Design of Container-crane Control System Based on PLC Control Technology

  5. 集装箱装卸桥驾驶模拟器与PLC数据通信集装箱桥吊仿真训练系统中碰撞模型的建立与实现

    Communication between container crane simulator and PLC Collision Model in Training Simulator of Container Crane

  6. 集装箱装卸桥小车速度环PI闭环控制的PLC软件实现

    PLC Software Approach to PI Closed-loop Control for Container Loading Bridge 's Trolley Mechanism

  7. 基于T-S模型的集装箱装卸桥防摇保性能控制

    Guaranteed cost control to container crane anti-sway system based on T-S model

  8. 在集装箱岸边装卸桥小车电机控制系统的基础上,增加一套PLC故障诊断和保护控制装置,原系统的继电器控制回路和转速控制回路继续使用。

    This paper discusses new trolley safety control system with PLC based on the original relay control system to act as fault diagnosis and protection control .

  9. F0/23B塔机电控的新设计提出了集装箱装卸桥驾驶模拟器与PLC(ProgrammableLogicControl)数据通信方法。

    New Design of Electrical Control System for Tower Crane F0 / 23B In this paper , the communication between container crane simulator and PLC ( Programmable Logic Control ) is introduced .

  10. 5t抓斗式装卸桥强度的有限元法分析

    Finite Element Analysis for the Strength of a 5t Bucket Loader

  11. PLC技术广泛应用于岸边集装箱装卸桥控制系统,除了要求PLC性能良好,更要求其程序运行安全可靠。

    PLC technology is widely used in container crane control system . In application not only PLC 's high performance is required but also it 's safety running program is more important .

  12. 30t煤炭抓斗装卸桥承载能力的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis for Load-bearing Capacity of 30t Coal Crab Gantry Crane

  13. 本文在港口机电设备重点实验室建设&集装箱装卸桥仿真模拟器电控系统项目的基础上,对集装箱装卸桥电控系统仿真模拟进行了比较全面的分析和研究。Lab为开发环境建立。

    On the basis of the emphasis lab construct of the port mechanical and electrical equipment-the electrical control system of the container crane simulator , the paper has been all-round analytical investigation for the electrical control system of the container crane simulation .

  14. 考虑到国内大多数集装箱装卸桥的使用情况,控制计算机PLC采用美国GE公司生产的90-30PLC。

    With a view to using things of numbers of container cranes in home , the PLC ( Programmable Logic Control ) is the America GE company product ( 90-30PLC ) .

  15. 基于全息建模原理的集装箱装卸桥虚拟样机的产品模型

    Product model of container crane based on holographic product modeling theory

  16. 岸边集装箱装卸桥结构优化模型分析

    Analyses on Structural Optimization Model of Quayside Container Loader / Unloader

  17. 宁波港集装箱码头装卸桥规模研究

    Study on the Number of Transfer Gantries at Ningbo Container Wharf

  18. 集装箱装卸桥起升系统过加速保护

    Over - acceleration Protection of the Hoisting System in Container Loading Bridge

  19. 具体介绍了集装箱装卸桥远程监控的主要内容。

    Concrete Introduction of the main content of container crane remote monitoring .

  20. 港口装卸桥自行式小车碰撞缓冲器的载荷确定

    Load Determination of Collision Dampers of Mobile Trolleys of Port Bridge Transporters

  21. 抓斗装卸桥主梁疲劳寿命的估算

    Estimation of the fatigue life for main girders on transporter grabbing cranes

  22. 集装箱码头、船舶及装卸桥等级划分研究

    Grade Dividing Study of Container Terminal , Ship & Crane

  23. 林用装卸桥设计荷载取值的研究

    On the Design Load Value of Forestry Stevedoring Bridge

  24. 改进集装箱码头装卸桥轨道设计与施工的构思

    Conception of Improving Design and Construction of Loading Bridge Track for Container Wharf

  25. 顶轨器是岸边集装箱装卸桥上重要的防风装置。

    Rail Brakes is important anti wind equipment in the quayside container crane .

  26. 它是装卸桥安全、高效率工作的保障。

    It makes sure of container crane to work safely and high efficiency .

  27. 可编程控制器在港口集装箱装卸桥小车中的应用

    Application and research Application and research on container loading bridge controlled by PLC

  28. 装卸桥虚拟样机建模技术

    Research on virtual prototype modeling technology for gantry crane

  29. 在码头上我们仅有二辆装卸桥吊。

    We have only two portainers on the wharf .

  30. 林用装卸桥起升机构的改进设计

    Improved design of the lifting gear for the bridge crane used in forestry