
  • 网络Rendering Techniques;Design Presentation;Rendering
  1. 关于工业设计表现技法课的教学探索

    Preliminary Discussion on the Teaching of Design Presentation Course

  2. 服装CAD绘画的特点、形式及表现技法

    The Feature of Garment CAD Drawing , Its Form and Technique

  3. 在电脑时代谈手绘产品设计表现技法教学

    The Discussion on Product Design Representation in the Computer Epoch

  4. 色彩的表现技法及其与织物结构的关系

    The technique of colour display and the relation between colours and fabric structures

  5. 论计算机时代的产品设计手绘表现技法

    On product design drawing sketches in times of computer-predomination

  6. 论艺术设计专业表现技法的两种形式

    The Two Methods of Expression Skill in Art Design

  7. 绘画的空间随着其表现技法的不同也有所不同。

    Painting space differs with its different technique expressions .

  8. 谈马蒂斯艺术作品的表现技法

    A discussion on the expression of the skills of Matisse ' artistic works

  9. 现代包装手绘图形的表现技法借鉴了绘画艺术的表现。

    The expressive methods of hand-drawing graphics on modern packages refer to paintings .

  10. 产品表现技法课堂教学改革探索与实践

    Study on Reforms and Practice in Classroom Teaching of Technique of Expression in Products

  11. 论《嚎叫》在情感上的表现技法

    On the Expressive Techniques in Emotions in Howl

  12. 传统版画艺术与康熙五彩是中国绘画中的不同种类,传统版画的在表现技法、构图形式与创作题材等方面都对康熙五彩的发展有着重要的影响。

    Kangxi colorful and arts of traditional printmaking are different kinds of Chinese painting .

  13. 油画有着特殊的媒材和表现技法,更有着丰富的内涵。

    Oil painting is special in material and representation skills , and rich in meaning .

  14. 纤维艺术是运用各种表现技法对纺织品进行艺术再创作的过程。

    Fibre arts are an artistic recreation process of textiles by all kinds of skills .

  15. 中国画现代表现技法&谈院校中国画新课程的建设

    Contemporary Expressive Techniques in Chinese Painting

  16. 最后,对工业设计中表现技法与运用的前景进行了展望。

    Finally , in the performance of the industrial design techniques and use of the prospect .

  17. 试论现实主义绘画的精神特质与表现技法当代水彩艺术的特质

    Special features of contemporary watercolor painting

  18. 二是表现技法上的,仅以叙述和口语化为时髦,而放弃诸多的表现手法。

    Secondly , the poets pursue colloquialism and plain narration , and has abandoned the expression techniques .

  19. 效果图表现技法课程为城规专业学生的必修课程。

    Sketches plan and Drawing techniques courses is compulsory course for students of the city planning major .

  20. 涉及身份地位、表现技法、表现内容及对后世的影响等。

    It is related with status , performance techniques and contents and the impact on future generations .

  21. 吴默画是借金监丝绸印染工艺形成的新画种,它的表现技法有自己的特点。

    ? The Wu Me painting is a novelty in silk dyeing . It has its own features .

  22. 新疆山水画家在学习它的艺术思想和表现技法不是一成不变、形成定式的。

    Xinjiang landscape painters in learning its artistic ideas and expressional ability is not unchangeable , formation of formula .

  23. 研究环境艺术设计手绘表现技法的类型,分析其徒手草图表现技法和综合表现技法。

    The type of the environmental art design hand-painted techniques , analyzes the freehand sketch techniques and comprehensive performance techniques .

  24. 中国画无论是从精神内涵还是从形式语言或是从表现技法各方面,都显示出音乐原理性的审美特征。

    The Chinese paintings demonstrate their characteristics full of musical principles either from the spirit , or language or expressive techniques .

  25. 通过环境艺术设计手绘表现技法可以看到其设计过程中的构思、形式美感及交流方面的表达。

    The environment art design hand-painted techniques can find expression in the design process , the concept of aesthetic form and communication aspects .

  26. 其次纯表现技法训练的目的是为了反映什么样的文化内涵和时代精神?

    The second , what kind of cultural content and time spirit does the train of pure expressing skill method be in order to reflect ?

  27. 中国水墨画博大精深,变化繁多,它独特的艺术特点和表现技法使得对于其的计算机仿真极为困难。

    Since the artistic characteristics and performance techniques of Chinese ink painting are unique and special , computer simulation of Chinese painting is extremely difficult .

  28. 长寿绣是汉代刺绣中的一个重要品种,其纹样构成及纹样表现技法极具中国文化的风骨。

    Longevity embroideries , whose patterns of formation & presentation capture the spirit of Chinese culture , is one significant type among embroideries of Han Dynasty .

  29. 内蒙古的油画家正在以其博大的胸怀在传统油画表现技法的基础上,积极的吸收和运用其他造型艺术样式中的营养。

    Inner Mongolia oil painting is its broad mind in traditional oil painting techniques based on , active absorption and use of other art styles in nutrition .

  30. 本文认为水墨画中的构图形式和表现技法可以为招贴设计所借鉴,形成具有中国特色的设计作品。

    This paper argues that the composition of Chinese ink painting forms and manifestations , poster design techniques can learn to form the design works with Chinese characteristics .