
  • 网络Expressionism Literature
  1. 德国表现主义文学的最大成就体现在戏剧方面。

    The greatest contribution of German Literature of Expressionism is its drama .

  2. 表现主义文学的悲剧艺术探秘

    On the Tragic Art of Expressionism

  3. 表现主义文学研究述评

    Review on Study of Expressionistic Literature

  4. 德国表现主义文学与老庄哲学&试论文化交流中的本位文化心理

    German expressionist literature & Lao Zi und Zhuang Zi 's philosophy : Analysis on the psychology of chauvinistic culture in cultural exchange

  5. 弗兰茨.卡夫卡是奥地利著名作家,20世纪西方现代派文学之父,表现主义文学大师。

    Famous Austrian writer , Franz Kafka , is the literary father of the contemporary western era , the literary master of expressionism .

  6. 作为现代派小说鼻祖、表现主义文学先驱的奥地利小说家卡夫卡,在其短暂的一生中创造了独特的卡夫卡式的艺术世界。

    As the originator of modernist novel and literary forerunner of expressionism , Austria novelist kafka created his own unique artistic world in his short life .

  7. 表现主义:林语堂文学观的核心

    Expressionism : Core of Lin Yutangs Literary Views

  8. 然而多年来,表现主义思潮的文学本体观尤其是表现主义美学与诗学在文艺本体思考上的差异却几乎没有得到系统的研究,因此,展开表现主义视域下的文学本体论研究显得十分必要。

    Over the past years , however , Literature Ontology of Expressionism Thought , especially the differences between Aesthetics and Poetics of Expressionism have almost never been read up .

  9. 作为西方现代主义文学思潮之一的表现主义,一直受到文学研究者们的重视。

    As one trend of thoughts of western modernistic literature , the expressionism draws attention of scholars of literature all the time .

  10. 德国表现主义是指1910年至1920年间流行于德国绘画、文学和音乐领域里的艺术流派。恩斯特·布洛赫深受表现主义运动的影响,他的著作《乌托邦的精神》就具有表现主义文学的一般特征。

    The so-called German Expressionism refers to the German painting , literature and music popular between the years of 1910 and 1920 . Ernst Bloch was deeply influenced by this movement , the general characteristics of which are seen in his Spirit of Utopia .