
xínɡ zhènɡ fǎ
  • administrative law
  1. 论风险社会中现代行政法的危机和转型

    On the Shift of Administrative Law in the Risk Society

  2. 山西省科技法制建设我国科技行政法的理论构建

    Sci-tech Legality Construction of Shanxi Province The Theoretical Building of Sci-tech Administrative Law in China

  3. WTO与中国行政法制度改革的几个关键问题

    WTO and Several Key Issues of China 's Administrative Law Reform

  4. WTO对经济行政法制度的影响

    On the Influence of WTO on the System of Economic Administrative Law

  5. WTO多边争端解决机制对我国行政法的影响

    The Influence of WTO 's Multilateral Disputes Settlement System on Chinese Administrative Law

  6. 加入WTO,接受作为“国际行政法”的WTO规则,客观上要求各成员国政府改变其传统的行政法制以与国际惯例、法规接轨。

    Entering into the WTO and accepting the WTO rules which act as " international law " demand each member government to alter its traditional administrative law system to connect with international rules and laws .

  7. 从我国QDII法律监管看行政法的域外效力

    The Extraterritorial Effect of Administrative Law from the Perspective of Legal Supervision of China 's QDII System

  8. 本文从行政法的视角对社会中介组织进行了比较全面、完整的分析与论证,以期在我国加入WTO后,社会中介组织能够健康、有序、快速发展,发挥其应有作用。

    With the hope that they can grow healthily and fast and exert themselves after our country 's access to WTO , the paper makes a comprehensive analysis and argumentation about social intermediate organizations from the view of administrative law .

  9. 新世纪行政法发展的走向

    On the Direction of Adminstrative Law 's Development in New Century

  10. 现代行政法理念下的公共利益

    On Common Interests Under the Rational Sense of Modern Administrative Law

  11. 行政法的价值定位论纲

    The Outline on the Orientation of the Value of Administrative Law

  12. 本文的创新点:(1)阐述了现代行政法发展的新趋势;(2)论述了行政合同的规制和控权功能。

    It elaborates the function of regulations and control of power .

  13. 完善行政法基本原则的探讨

    A Probe into Improving the Basic Principles of the Administrative Laws

  14. 略论行政法视野下的商标评审

    The General Discussion onthe Trademark Appraisal from the View of Administrative Law

  15. 德国行政法学者围绕行政法的概念和原则探究行政法的基本理论问题。

    German scholars researched the concept and basic principle of Administrative Law .

  16. 论行政法的平等理念&概念与观念

    On Equality Ideas of Administrative Law : Concepts and Conceptions

  17. 正当程序在中国行政法的发展。

    Development of due process in administrative law in China .

  18. 经济法与行政法理念之比较

    The comparison of the economic law and the administrative law

  19. 试论诚信原则在行政法上的适用

    Discussion on the application of faith - ful principle in administrative law

  20. 第一章,药品市场监管的历史变迁与行政法的回应。

    Chapter one : basic theories about supervision of the medicine market .

  21. 论城市房屋拆迁中物权的行政法保护机制

    On Administrative Law Protection System of Real Right In City Housing Demolition

  22. 第二部分介绍了平等原则在域外行政法中的实践,具体包括法国、英国和美国。

    Part two introduces the foreign practice of the principle of equality .

  23. 试论市场规制法与行政法的关系

    On the Relationship between Market Regulation Law and Administrative Law

  24. 我国占主导地位的行政法基础理论是平衡论。

    The theory of Balance has dominance of Chinese Administration basic theory .

  25. 澳大利亚行政法上反再委托规则研究

    On the Rule against Subdelegation in Australian Administrative Law

  26. 我国行政法基本原则之重构

    Reconstruction of Basic Principles of Administrative Law in China

  27. 平衡论是现代行政法的基础理论。

    The equilibrium theory is the basic theory of the modern administrative law .

  28. 从一则案例看纳税人程序性权利的保障&兼论经济法、行政法中的刑事司法介入

    Discuss the Taxpayer Procedural Right Protection from One Case

  29. 体育行会权力及其行政法控制研究

    The Research on Power of Sports Associations and Power Control of Administrative Law

  30. 公务员在行政法中的地位探讨

    Discussion on Public Servant 's Status in Administrative Law