
xiè huáng
  • the ovary and digestive glands of a crab
蟹黄 [xiè huáng]
  • [the ovary and digestive glands of a crab] 螃蟹体内的卵巢和消化腺,橘黄色、味鲜美

蟹黄[xiè huáng]
  1. 下一个是蟹黄豆腐。

    The next one is bean curd with crab roe .

  2. 纽约州卫生部近日发布了一份“蓝蟹烹饪和食用指南”,其中建议爱吃蟹的人在吃之前要去掉蟹黄,因为蟹黄是氯联苯(PCB)、二恶英和重金属的富集处。

    The department released a Blue Crab Cooking & Eating Guide , which advises crab lovers to remove the tomalley of crabs before eating , because this is where PCBs , dioxin and heavy metals concentrate .

  3. 吃完蟹黄就该吃蟹肉了。

    After eating crab roe , you can eat crab meat .

  4. 是的,下一个是蟹黄豆腐。

    Yes . The next one is bean curd with crab roe .

  5. 我们婚礼上一定要有蟹黄饼。

    We should totally have them at our wedding .

  6. 这些是牛肉丸子、饺和蟹黄烧卖。

    These are the Steamed Beef Balls , Shrimp Dumplings and Steamed Crab Dumplings .

  7. 请给我一份糯米糍,一份蟹黄烧卖。

    Please give me one portion of the Glutinous Paste and one portion of the Steamed Crab Dumplings .

  8. 爱好:抓水母,吹泡泡,做蟹黄堡,唱歌,烦扰章鱼哥,空手道。

    Interests : Jellyfishing , bubble blowing , Fry Cooking , Singing , bothering Squidward , and Karate .

  9. 用日立H835-50氨基酸分析仪测定了健康中华绒螯蟹不同部位的氨基酸含量,结果表明其氨基酸含量以步足最高,肝(蟹黄)最低。

    The content of amino acids in different part of Eriocheir sinensis were determined with Hitachi 835 50 Amino Acid Analyzer .

  10. 中秋节日餐桌上的食物都是应季的,最受人们喜爱的当属大闸蟹,在秋季时大闸蟹个头最大,蟹黄最为肥美。

    The food on the table is seasonal , and often the main attraction is hairy crabs , which are at their largest and richest with roe during autumn .

  11. 比如:铁盘煎小牛肉,配蟹黄、帕尔玛干酪、松子及欧芹(155兰特,按12.75兰特兑换1美元计算,约合12.25美元);

    Case in point : pan-fried veal with crab butter , Parmesan , pine nuts and parsley ( 155 rand , or $ 12.25 at 12.75 rand to the dollar ) ;

  12. 蟹黄有可能对人身体有害纽约州卫生部表示,受工业污染影响,华裔最爱的蟹黄可能损害健康。

    Tomalley may be harmful Tomalley of crabs , favored by Chinese Americans , may be harmful to health because of industrial contamination , according to New York State Department of Health .

  13. 我们品尝了好几种点心,其中有一样点心味道绝佳,里面是猪肉蔬菜馅,外皮带着点韧劲,蒸得刚刚好。添加了猪肉泥的上海蟹黄包异常可口,我们吃完后又加点了一些。

    We had several dishes of dim sum , which included a perfect dish of minced pork and vegetables wrapped with a slightly chewy skin that was steamed just right . The Shanghai dumplings with hairy crab roe paired with minced pork were so good that we ordered more .