
  • 网络Honey Ice Cream
  1. 当然饭店的美食也很高端,比如掺有鹅肝酱的餐桌黄油、搭配甜蜜无花果酱的奶油布丁和蜂蜜冰淇淋。

    The food is elevated too , from the foie gras-larded table butter to desserts like honey-soaked fig pur é e with panna cotta and honey ice cream .

  2. 一边是冰淇淋店,一边是面包店,双丽塔乳品店是教会区的必去之处(来一勺蜂蜜薰衣草冰淇淋和一份新鲜巧克力条饼干,谁要?)。

    Part ice-cream parlor , part bakery , Bi-Rite is a must-visit in the Mission district . ( A scoop of honey lavender and a fresh chocolate-chip cookie , anyone ?)