
fēng xiāng
  • hive;beehive;bee hive
蜂箱 [fēng xiāng]
  • (1) [bee hive]∶蜂群的蜂房

  • (2) [hive]∶养蜜蜂用的巢箱

蜂箱[fēng xiāng]
  1. 其他的亚洲国际现在成为了投资者和新发行者的蜂箱。

    Other Asian countries have become a beehive for investors and new listings .

  2. 蜂箱内所有珍物中最昂贵的东西要数蜂王浆了。

    Most expensive of all the treasures in a beehive is royal jelly .

  3. 你有没有看到过蜂箱?

    Have you ever seen a hive of bees ?

  4. 这蜂箱是用木材做的。

    The hive is made of wood .

  5. 有些蜂箱的侧面是玻璃的,你可以透过它们看到里面蜜蜂的活动情况。

    Some hives are made with glass sides , through which we can see all that the bees are doing .

  6. 这对澳洲养蜂父子档花了十年时间来研究蜂箱的重置,最后才发明出了FlowHive。

    The Australian father and son team who have been working on perfecting the hive design for over a decade , achieved this by re-configuring honeycombs .

  7. 白宫的木匠CharlieBrandts同时也是一个养蜂人,负责照看这两个蜂箱,里面的蜜蜂既能授粉也能酿蜜。

    White House carpenter Charlie Brandts , who is a beekeeper , tendstwo hives , which provide honey while their residents help with pollination .

  8. FlowHive不像传统蜂箱那样让蜜蜂自建蜂巢,它提前准备好了垂直相对的半个塑料蜂巢,然后让勤劳的蜜蜂去完成剩下的半个,在里面产蜜,然后用蜂蜡覆盖蜂巢。

    Unlike current hives that allow bees to build the entire honeycomb , Flow Hives come equipped with sets of half-built plastic honeycombs that face each other . The industrious bees then complete the job by connecting the half-built combs , filling them up with honey and covering them with wax .

  9. 结果如下:1、QF-1取毒器蜂箱内取毒法采集意大利蜜蜂的蜂毒,过滤提纯蜂毒后经葡聚糖凝胶G-25,G-50,G-75层析和溶血试验分离纯化后得到蜂毒肽。

    The results were as follow : 1 . The melittin was isolated and purified through polydextran gel G-25 , G-50 , G-75 combined with hemolysis test from venom of honeybee ( Apis mellifera lijustica ) workers which was collected by QF-1 Bee Venom Collector in the top of hives .

  10. 他特制了一个只有一个蜂窝的蜂箱。

    He built a special hive , containing only one honeycomb .

  11. 他们回到蜂箱近旁时,便仔细观察摆尾舞。

    Back at the hive they watched the wagging dance closely .

  12. (中文译:使用者轮廓蜂箱清除服务1.6.30.0号说法成功地开始了。)

    User profile hive cleanup service version started successfully .

  13. 一个蜂箱里只有一个蜂王。

    In a hive you 've got one queen bee .

  14. 他今晚一定要把那些蜂箱送去集市

    He needs to take those beehives to market tonight .

  15. 经初步调查发现,一个小小的蜂箱里,竟有动物种类多达50种,分别隶属于3门8纲22目。

    They belong to 3 phylum , 8 class , 22 orders .

  16. 六个小兵人,无聊玩蜂箱;

    Six little Jigaboo boys playing with a hive ;

  17. 热闹的蜂箱给商业养蜂人带来金钱

    Busy Hives Bring in the Money for Commercial Bee-keepers

  18. 蜂箱内的温度对蜜蜂采集活动的影响

    Effect of hive temperature on gathering activity of bees

  19. 这些能从蜂箱上被扯下来。

    These can then be pulled off the hive .

  20. 一只做了标记的蜜蜂从盘中喂饱自己以后就飞回蜂箱了。

    A marked bee fed itself from the dish and returned to the hive .

  21. 一辆满载上百个蜂箱的大卡车在公路上倾覆,司机在事故中受伤。

    A truck carrying hundreds of beehives overturned .

  22. 这个项目以该镇的十到十二个蜂箱为起点。

    It began with the planting of ten to twelve beehives in the town .

  23. 用改造式蜂箱饲养中蜂的研究报告

    Making Use of Reformed-Hive in Chinese Bee Feeding

  24. 这次蜜蜂同样准确地在24小时后,按它们的习惯进食时间涌出蜂箱。

    They emerged from their hive exactly 24 hours later for their accustomed feeding .

  25. 克里·方丹经常在他的蜂箱箱底发现被蜂胶裹住的老鼠。

    Kerry Fountain has often found propolis-encased mice in the bottom of his hives .

  26. 花粉是以附在工蜂后肢上的颗粒的形式带进蜂箱的。

    It is brought into the hive as pellets on the bees ' hind legs .

  27. 蜂箱会因为虫害或者蜂后的衰老或死亡等情况而被更换。

    The hives will be replaced because of mites or an ageing or dead queen .

  28. 这些蜂箱要是不卖出去就得积压了

    If we don 't sell the hives they 'll be thrown on our hands .

  29. 他需要积蓄点儿力气,要知道,明早他还得赶运那些蜂箱呢。”

    He needs to build up his strength to deliver the beehives tomorrow , remember . "

  30. 当科学家们转变蜂箱的方向时,蜜蜂必然会在水平面上飞舞。

    When scientists turn the hive on its side the bees must dance on a horizontal surface .