
  • 网络cellular communication
  1. CDMA蜂窝通信系统的网络规划

    Network Planning for CDMA Cellular Communication System

  2. 为了改善网络性能,将adhoc接入方式融入蜂窝通信势必会大大提高端系统接入骨干网的灵活性。

    Introduction of Ad hoc access mode into cellular communication certainly will enhance the agility of end systems accessing into backbone network .

  3. 因此,需要将全球范围内的蜂窝通信网络的协议和网络结构设计并建设成尽可能有效支持IP的方

    Therefore , the protocol and network structure in global cellular

  4. 功率控制是CDMA蜂窝通信系统的关键技术。

    Power control is the key technology of CDMA cellular system .

  5. 多业务CDMA蜂窝通信系统容量性能和无线资源管理算法研究

    Capacity Performance and Radio Resource Management Algorithms in Multi-service CDMA Cellular Communication Systems

  6. 对CDMA数字蜂窝通信系统设计的考虑

    Design Research for CDMA Digital Honeycomb Communication System

  7. 例如被安装在蜂窝通信网络的基站(节点B)中的信号处理设备(D)。

    A signal processing device ( D ) is installed in a base station ( Node B ) of a cellular communications network , for example .

  8. 迅速走向商用的码分多址(CDMA)蜂窝通信系统

    CDMA Cellular Systems Being Commercial Rapidly

  9. 本文在保持CDMA蜂窝通信系统变速率话音固定接入的同时,针对数据业务的需要,提出了一种随机预约分组接入方法。

    In this paper a frame-based packet reservation multi-access method is presented for data transmission in CDMA cellular system .

  10. 第二章对当前文献中的能适用于CDMA蜂窝通信系统的典型无线分组调度算法进行了分类讨论,并通过大量细致的计算机仿真工作来研究它们的性能。

    Chapter 2 discusses typical wireless packet scheduling algorithms for CDMA systems in literatures and investigates their performance via simulations .

  11. 全球移动通信系统(UMTS)是一种3G移动蜂窝通信系统。

    The universal Mobile Telecommunication System ( UMTS ) is one of the 3G mobile cellular communication systems .

  12. 贵阳PHS网络通信系统,采用的是微蜂窝通信技术。

    PHS network communication system of GuiYang , it was little cellular communications technology that was adopted .

  13. 本文以全IP蜂窝通信系统为例,概述TCP/IP协议组用于无线链路的性能问题,提出解决这些问题的方案,分析该方案的优点和局限性。

    Taking the cellular communication systems as example , the paper presents the performances of TCP / IP protocol over the wireless link , and give a possible solution to the problems .

  14. 在研究中考虑的蜂窝通信手提电话常用的天线种类为单极子、偶极子和倒F型(IFA)天线。

    Various antennas used for cellular phones such as the monopole , dipole and inverted-F antennas ( IFA ) . have been considered in the investigation .

  15. 我们讨论和比较了这些接入方式在实际应用方面的因素,指出综合正交和非正交方式优点的hybrid系统可能是未来无线蜂窝通信的一种可行方案。

    The practical aspects of these multiple access techniques are also discussed and compared . The hybrid schemes , which combine the advantages of both orthogonal and non-orthogonal techniques , can provide promising solutions for future wireless cellular communications .

  16. 结果表明,该技术很好地解决了在CDMA蜂窝通信中实现集群功能的功率控制问题,大大增加了系统的容量。

    The result shows that the technology solves the power control problem in the implementation of the trunking function in the CDMA cellular network , and greatly improves the capability of the system .

  17. 本课题涉及的分层结构无线自组织网络是一种结合了adhoc网络自组织能力和移动蜂窝通信系统中移动用户接入方式的网络体系结构。

    The Layered Wireless Self-organizing Routing Network ( LWSRN ) described in this paper has a new network architecture that combines the self-organizing feature of Ad hoc networks and the user access control of cellular networks .

  18. 主要研究了CDMA蜂窝通信系统的工作原理,且以基于IS-95标准的前向链路为主。

    Mainly studied the theories of the CDMA cellular communication system and the emphases were put on the forward channel based on the IS-95 standard .

  19. 随着通信技术的迅速发展,数字蜂窝通信系统在我国移动通信领域得到了广泛应用,但其emc问题也日益突出。

    With the developing of the communication technology , the system of digital beehive communication is applied widely , but the problem caused by EMC is becoming more and more serious .

  20. 然而,由于adhoc网络与传统的蜂窝通信网络、WLAN等具有根本性的不同,所以这为研究adhoc网络的相关技术带来了挑战。

    However , due to the Ad Hoc networks with traditional cellular communication networks , WLAN and other fundamental differences , so this poses challenges for the study to improve the performance of Ad Hoc network .

  21. CDMA手机是工作在CDMA无线蜂窝通信网络下的移动手持终端,是基于码分多址技术的移动通信终端系统。

    CDMA mobile phone is a mobile communication terminal which works with CDMA wireless cellular communication network . It is a terminal system of mobile communication based on the technology of code division multiple access .

  22. 但是在传统的技术基础之上,在如Ad-Hoc等自由分布的网络系统方面,一种综合性的分布式的定位方式已经出现,这为属于固定分布网络的蜂窝通信系统提供了一种可行的定位策略。

    However , a comprehensive distributed node localization method base on traditional technologies has appeared , which apply to free distribution networks system , such as Ad-Hoc networks .

  23. CDMA移动蜂窝通信系统用于商业营运,为公众提供语音数据通信的同时,也为基于CDMA的定位终端、监控终端等提供了广阔的应用空间。

    The CDMA cellular systems have provided voice and data communications for the public as well as a broad space of application for the terminals based on CDMA , such as positioning terminals and monitoring terminals .

  24. 计算机网络与数字通信技术正得到飞速发展,卫星通信、蜂窝通信、计算机局域网、广域网和激增的Intranet及Internet的广泛应用,使分布式数据库系统应运而生,并成为计算机技术最活跃的研究领域之一。

    Distributed database ( DDB ) system is becoming one of the most active IT fields with the quick development of computer network and communications technology and wide employment of satellite communications , cellular communications , LAN , WAN , Internet and Intranet .

  25. 在未来的B3G/4G无线蜂窝通信系统和无线城域网等方面,OFDM技术是最具有优势的技术之一。

    In the future OFDM technology , which is one of the most competitive technologies , will be applied to the Beyond 3C / 4C wireless cellular communication system and WMAN , etc.

  26. 随着CDMA蜂窝通信的推广应用和用户定位需求的日益增长,发展CDMA系统中的无线电定位技术已引起广泛关注,在国外已取得了一定的进展。

    With code - division - multiple - access being deployed by more and more cellular or personal communications services providers , developing the wireless location technology in CDMA networks is imperative and there have been some progress made abroad .

  27. 本文提出了一种基于新一代蜂窝通信的无线资源分配方案,并利用OPNET建立仿真平台对该方案进行验证。

    In this paper we propose a Wireless Resources Allocation approach in Cellular BMW communication system , and then we validated the protocols and algorithms with the software of OPNET Modeler .

  28. iDEN是数字集群通信系统,属蜂窝通信体制,测算好其无线覆盖,对完成通信网规划和保证通信质量至关重要。

    IDEN is a digital trunked communication system . Measuring the Wireless-Coverage adequately is very important for telecommunication network planning and the quality guarantee .

  29. 目前英国Virgin公司与英国的移动蜂窝通信运营商One2One的合作非常成功。

    At pre-sent , the cooperation between Virgin Co. of UK and ″ One2One ″, a cellular mobile com-mu nication operator of UK is a great success .

  30. 文章介绍了用于EDGE蜂窝通信系统和宽带无线接入网的空时编码(STC)技术,重点讨论了物理层信道估值、联合均衡与编码以及干扰抑制等信号处理技术。

    The paper discusses STC techniques for the EDGE ( Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution ) communication system and broadband wireless access networks , with a focus on such signaling processing techniques as the physical layer channel estimation , combined coding and equalization , and interference suppression .