
wā yǒng
  • breaststroke
蛙泳 [wā yǒng]
  • [breaststroke] 游泳的一种姿势:两肩平行水面,两臂向头前方伸出,然后立即从两旁向后划动,手掌向外,同时下肢做蛙式后蹬、夹水。因像蛙游的姿势而得名

蛙泳[wā yǒng]
  1. 传奇蛙泳教练JosehpNagy在最近的一篇文章里指出影响蛙泳速度的最主要的原因是踢腿。

    The legendary breaststroke coach , Joseph Nagy , said in a recent article that what slows down breaststrokers the most is their KICK .

  2. 蛙泳出水前的长划臂也要有这个夹肘动作。

    That happens in the breaststroke pull out , too sometimes .

  3. 她花了数小时练习蛙泳。

    She spent hours practising the breast stroke .

  4. 蛙泳技术教学CAI课件的研制与设计

    Study and design of CAI courseware for breast stroke teaching

  5. 通过对我国优秀女子蛙泳运动员比赛时的测试,将测取的各段时间与100m成绩进行相关数处理和聚类处理。

    According to the test theory of Russian scholars the authors measured the each period time in female 100m breaststrokers race and used coefficient of correlation and classification .

  6. 以CAI教育技术在现代体育教学中的优势作为出发点,提出了蛙泳技术教学CAI课件的设计方案,为在学校体育教学过程中广泛推广、运用课堂教学CAI课件提供参考与借鉴。

    Based on the advantage of CAI educational technology in modern physical education ( PE ) teaching , a developing scheme of CAI courseware for breast stroke was put forward as reference for extensive promotion and applying of CAI in classroom teaching .

  7. 普通高校蛙泳速成教学法的实验研究

    Study on Experimental Quick Teaching of Breaststroke in Colleges and Universities

  8. 对我国男子蛙泳项目划频、划幅的分析

    Breaststroke Project of China 's man Designated Frequency Stroke Rate Analysis

  9. 不仅如此,我的蛙泳也有了很大的进步。

    Not only that , my breaststroke also made great progress .

  10. 利用三角式气垫蛙泳辅助训练器进行游泳教学的研究

    A study of breaststroke teaching facilitated by triangular shaped auxiliary cushion

  11. 蛙泳手臂动作技术与常见错误动作分析

    Analysis of the Arm Action Techniques and Common Errors in Breaststroke

  12. 蛙泳的起源可以追溯到石器时代。

    The history of breaststroke goes back to the Stone Age .

  13. 男子波浪式蛙泳技术的水下运动学分析

    Underwater Kinematic Analysis of Wave Breaststroke Technique of Male Swimmers

  14. 深水蛙泳教学纠正错误动作的教法研究

    Teaching method of correcting error actions in breast stroke in deep water

  15. 深水区域开展蛙泳技术教学方法的探讨

    On How to Teach Breaststroke in the Deep Water Area

  16. 转身是游泳非常重要的部分,特别是蛙泳转身。

    Turns are very important parts of swimming , especially breaststroke turn .

  17. 水中等动力量训练对蛙泳划臂若干因素影响的研究

    The Effects of Aquatic Isokinetic Training on Arm Pulls in Breaststroke Swimming

  18. 这么说你会游一点蛙泳?

    So , you can swim the breast-stroke a little ?

  19. 蛙泳手加蝶泳腿,或者蛙泳手加自由泳打腿。

    Breaststroke arms with fly kick and breast arms with flutter kick .

  20. 蛙泳出发、转身滑行阶段时机的初探

    On Glide Phases of Breaststroke Pull - out and Turns

  21. 她是蛙泳的金牌得主。

    She is winner of the gold medal for breast | stroke .

  22. 抬头蛙泳教学法在少年儿童蛙泳速成教学中的应用

    A new method applying on the fast breaststroke teaching for the youngster

  23. 像平时一样蹬蛙泳腿,要看着鳍线板。

    Kick breaststroke as you normally would , but watch the board .

  24. 那在蛙泳和侧泳方面,你可以帮助她。

    Then you can help her with breaststroke and sidestroke .

  25. 我国竞技蛙泳的发展现状及对策研究

    Current Status and Future Strategies for the Competitive Breaststroke Race in China

  26. 蛙泳陆上练习模拟器的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Land Training Simulator for Breast Stroke

  27. 他会游蛙泳、仰泳和自由泳。

    He can swim breaststroke , backstroke and crawl .

  28. 优秀蛙泳、自由泳运动员转身技术分析

    Analysis on Turning Technique of Elite Breaststrokers and Freestylers

  29. 蛙泳、仰泳、蝶泳以及自由泳。

    Breast stroke , back stroke , butterfly stroke , and free stroke .

  30. 我善于自在泳和蛙泳,惨。

    I 'm good at freestyle and breast stroke .