
dàn huánɡ jiànɡ
  • mayonnaise;mayo
  1. 我要一个熏肉、生菜加番茄三明治,外加蛋黄酱。

    I 'll have a BLT with extra mayonnaise .

  2. 如果你在意卡路里的摄入量,就不要吃蛋黄酱。

    If you 're watching the calories , don 't have mayonnaise .

  3. 面包、油酥点心和蛋黄酱都是家里做的。

    The bread , pastry and mayonnaise are home-made

  4. 在高油脂食品蛋黄酱中添加质量分数为2.5%的植物甾醇油酸酯(PSO)和0.5%的天然VE,可制成功能性蛋黄酱产品。

    The functional mayonnaise could be make up by adding PSO ( 2.5 % ) and natural to-copherol ( 0.5 % ) in the ordinary mayonnaise food .

  5. 在价格驱动下,美国各地很多wholefoods门店都在自制食品(比如土豆沙拉)中改用了HamptonCreek的蛋黄酱。

    Driven by price , many Whole Foods stores across the country have switched to Hampton Creek 's mayo in their store-prepared foods ( like the potato salad ) .

  6. 但HamptonCreek的蛋黄酱零售价格不算便宜:在大多数wholefoods门店的售价为每罐3.5或4.49美元。

    But at retail , Hampton Creek 's mayo isn 't very cheap : It sells for $ 3.50 or $ 4.49 a jar at most Whole Foods stores .

  7. 本文主要是采用小麦B淀粉进行交联酶水解生产低DE值的麦芽糊精,用来替代脂肪,并将应用到蛋黄酱中,从而达到替代油脂的目的。

    This article mainly used the wheat B starch crosslinking that was hydrolyzed by enzymes to produce low DE value maltodextrin , used to replace fats , and will be applied to the mayonnaise to instead of alternative oil .

  8. 这与用鸡蛋制作的蛋黄酱差不多,但蒂特里克说,HamptonCreek还有大幅降价的空间。

    That 's about the same price as egg-based mayo , but Mr. Tetrick says that Hampton Creek has room to cut its prices substantially .

  9. 我发现这种酱的口感极为柔滑,而且比起带有蛋腥味的市售蛋黄酱,HamptonCreek制造的蛋黄酱的口味较为清淡,不那么冲。

    I found the texture exquisitely creamy and , compared with eggy store-bought mayo , Hampton Creek 's mayo had a cleaner , less aggressive flavor profile .

  10. Flora牛油、Stock黄油和Hellmans蛋黄酱同样销售良好,因为人们开始做三明治当午饭,自己烤制蛋糕和面包,而不是买着吃。

    Tubs of Flora and Stork margarine and jars of Hellmans mayonnaise are also selling well as people make sandwiches for lunch and bake cakes and bread instead of buying them .

  11. HamptonCreek发现了一种特殊的具有极强乳化效力的黄色豆子,该公司声称,用这种豆子制造的蛋黄酱在品尝测试中打败了领先品牌的产品。

    Hampton Creek discovered a specific kind of yellow pea that has fantastic powers of emulsion , leading to a mayonnaise that the firm claims beats leading brands in taste tests .

  12. 在阿拉伯推出了McArabia,就是鸡肉饼加上大蒜蛋黄酱、蔬菜和阿拉伯式的面包。

    The McArabia features a chicken patty with garlic mayonnaise , vegetables , and Arabic bread .

  13. 其实,除了蛋黄酱,其他加在这两块面包里的东西都是多余的。

    Anything else between two pieces of bread was extra fillings .

  14. 大山:用凉面条、蛋黄酱再拌一些蔬菜。

    Dashan : It 's cold noodles , mayonnaise and vegetables .

  15. 降胆固醇功能性蛋黄酱加工技术研究

    Study on Processing Technology of Functional Mayonnaise with Plasma Cholesterol Lowering Activity

  16. 里面有蛋黄酱吗-没有放心吃吧

    Is there mayo in this ? - No. You 're good .

  17. •加入一大汤匙蛋黄酱,搅拌。

    • Add one tablespoon of mayonnaise and mix up .

  18. 我说“仙妮亚,我对蛋黄酱过敏”

    I say ," shania , I 'm allergic to mayo . "

  19. 你想让我在蛋黄酱里洗个澡吗?

    You want me to take a bath in mayonnaise ?

  20. 妈记住迪兰不能吃蛋黄酱

    Mom , just so you know , Dylan cannot have mayonnaise .

  21. 上乘的面条,一流的蔬菜,还有什么?蛋黄酱!

    Great noodles , top-notch veggies - and a bonus : mayonnaise !

  22. 你需要盐、胡椒粉、芥茉和蛋黄酱吗?

    Do you want Salt Pepper mustard and mayo ?

  23. 龙蒿或莳萝、切碎的豆瓣菜、菠菜或黄瓜做成的蛋黄酱。

    Mayonnaise with tarragon or dill and chopped watercress and spinach or cucumber .

  24. 蛋黄酱非常容易使人发胖,而且不是那麽美味,所以,为什麽要找麻烦呢?

    Mayonnaise is so fattening and not that tasty , so why bother ?

  25. 高压处理蛋黄酱动态粘弹特性的研究

    Dynamic Viscoelasticity Property of Mayonnaise during High Pressure Processing

  26. 涂抹蛋黄酱或食用油让焦油分解和变松。

    Apply mayonnaise or cooking oil to break down and loosen the tar .

  27. 用蛋黄酱你会喜欢的!

    With the mayo , and you liked it !

  28. 不加蛋黄酱的,我在她面前吃过两个。

    No mayo . I eat two of the sandwiches in front ofher .

  29. 蘸着咖喱蛋黄酱很不错。

    They 're really good with the garlic mayonnaise .

  30. 你要了卷筒纸,对吗?还有蛋黄酱。

    Y ou take the paper towel , right ? Oh , and mayonnaise .