
  1. 龙种金鱼和蛋种金鱼线粒体DNA控制区的序列分析

    The Sequence Feature of Mitochondrial DNA Control Region of Dragon-eye Goldfishes and Oval Goldfishes

  2. 蛋用种母鸡39~52周龄阶段含硫氨基酸需要量的研究

    Studies on the Daily Sulfur Amino Acids Requirement of Layer Breeder Females

  3. 日粮能量蛋白水平对蛋用种公鸡繁殖性能的影响

    Effect of Dietary Energy and Protein Level on Reproductive Performance of Layer Breeder Males

  4. 试验以可消化氨基酸为基础,用杂粕代替部分大豆粕配制日粮,研究了不同日粮对蛋用种母鸡繁殖性能和蛋白质代谢的影响。

    The effects of mixed meal in the diets replacing for partial soybean meals on the basis of digestible amino acid were studied .

  5. 平均蛋重及种蛋品质无显著变化(P005),种蛋中粗蛋白、无氮浸出物含量有所提高。

    The average weight and quality of eggs did not vary significantly ( P0.05 ), the crude protein and nitrogen-free extraction contents in eggs were increased .

  6. 孵化早期用光电法剔除无精蛋的两种方法

    Two Photoelectrical Methods to Pick out the Eggs With out Sperms in the Early Hatching Period

  7. 对开窗种蛋采用四种不同材料封口,其中用蛋壳膜加封口胶进行封口的种蛋孵化率最好,达27.08%;

    The hatchability with egg-shell membrane and sealing - glue combination sealing is the highest , reaching 27.08 % .

  8. 据说,五彩缤纷的彩蛋是复活节兔子为乡村的孩子们留下的。孩子们把找蛋作为一种游戏。

    It was said the brightly decorated eggs were left by the Easter rabbit for the country children , who made a game of finding the eggs .

  9. 第三、入孵前做好孵化器、孵化用蛋盘、种蛋和出雏器的清洗消毒工作。

    The 3rd , into good hatch is done before brooding implement , hatch uses an egg dish , kind egg and give cheeper implement clean alexipharmic job .

  10. 从种禽健康状况、种蛋品质、种蛋保存与消毒四方面对种蛋孵化率的影响进行了综述,并指出了提高孵化率的相应措施。

    This paper summarized the effects of four factors such as breeding bird 's healthy state , egg quality , retention and disinfection on the hatchability and pointed out the corresponding measures of raising hatch rate .

  11. 结果表明:日粮中添加适量的大蒜素能够显著地提高产蛋率、饲料报酬和经济效益,而对平均蛋重、种蛋的受精率和孵化率没有显著影响。

    Results shows that certain amount of garlic oil addition in dietary can increase egg laying rate , feed remuneration and economic benefits , but has no distinct effect on average egg weight , fertilization rate and incubation rate of eggs .

  12. 蛋制品是一种营养价值非常高,开发潜力极大的食品。

    The egg products are nutritious and promise .

  13. 蛋奶是一种新的营养性饮料.该文为它提供了一条生产线。

    Egg-bearing milk is a new nutrient beverage , a production line is given for it .

  14. 鳖蛋可携带1~4种细菌,其中以带1~2种菌最多(90.66%)。

    The results revealed that terrapin eggs can harbor 1 ~ 4 species of bacteria , while 90.66 % of them were contaminated with 1 or 2 species .

  15. 测定每组鸡的产蛋率、平均蛋重、料蛋比和种蛋孵化率。

    Laying rate , average egg weight , egg-feed ratio and hatchability were determined .

  16. 其中新添的有龙睛球、珍珠龙睛、龙睛水泡眼、朱砂眼、银蛋、蓝蛋球、背蛋球、蛋种翻鳃等品种。

    One of the new dragon ball , pearl dragon eye eye , eye , eye blisters , t. , silver , blue eggs , eggs , a ball back eggs over the gills , etc.