
  • 网络Nether Dragon;Void Dragon;Swift Nether Drake
  1. 死亡之翼成功的实现了他把黑龙和虚空龙的精华混合的企图,这创造出了危险的暮光龙,你可以在龙眠神殿的黑曜石圣殿中见到他们。

    Night of the Dragon sees Deathwing successful in his attempt to fuse Black Dragons with Nether Dragon essences , resulting in the dangerous Twilight Drakes seen in Wyrmrest Temple 's Obsidian Sanctum .

  2. 这包含了竞技场的特殊头衔,直到下一季赛季结束前,玩家都可以将取得的头衔显示出来,而且最棒的是还可以得到铁甲虚空龙飞行坐骑。

    These include Arena-specific titles that they can display proudly until the end of the new season , and for the best of the best , an Armored Nether Drake .

  3. 玩家无法在虚空之龙上战斗,也不能在外域之外使用,而且飞行速度比狮鹫等要慢。

    You can 't fight on your Nether Dragon , nor use it outside of Outland , and it 's slower than the current flying contingent of Griffons and Bats .