
  • 网络Virtual camera;Softcam;VCAM
  1. 基于DirectShow的虚拟摄像头开发框架

    Development Framework of Virtual Camera Based on DirectShow

  2. 基于Symbian操作系统的虚拟摄像头设计

    Virtual Camera Design Based on Symbian System

  3. 本文针对这个问题,在充分研究了目前IM软件的视频传输机制和接口状况的情况下,设计并实现了一种虚拟摄像头。

    In view of this , based on deeply studying the current situation of the video transmission mechanism and interfaces , this paper designed and implemented a virtual camera .

  4. 无需安装驱动程序,在QQ、MSN、FLASH中均可正常使用,而且可以多个程序同时调用该虚拟摄像头。

    No need to install the drivers , the QQ , MSN , FLASH can be normal in the use of multiple programs simultaneously and can call the virtual camera .

  5. 虚拟摄像头是前不久出现的一种网络视频应用。

    In this case , providing a Virtual Camera is necessary .

  6. 这个过程让他举行一个“虚拟”的摄像头,它指向的演员,并视它为实时的企业管治,并确保他们人物,他得到了正确的投篮。

    This process allowed him to hold a " virtual " camera , point it at the actors , and see them as their CG characters in real-time and make sure he got the right shots .