
  • 网络LayLa;Leyla;Laila
  1. 蕾拉,亲爱的,安慰一下我忧伤的心!

    Layla , darling , won 't you ease my worried mind ?

  2. 蕾拉,亲爱的,我在向你乞求。

    Layla , I 'm begging , darling , please .

  3. 前段时间,梅里达的表姐,前FARC成员蕾拉自杀身亡。

    Recently , Melida 's cousin Leila , the former FARC member , committed suicide .

  4. 她认识了自己两个表姊,玛丽亚(María)和蕾拉(Leila),她们都是已经离开中心的前FARC成员。

    She was getting to know her two cousins , Mar í a and Leila , themselves former FARC members who had left the center .

  5. 维蕾拉拿到一张待机票并赶在飞机起飞前登了机。

    Varela got a standby ticket and boarded just before take-off .

  6. 要小心别被那个家伙骗了,蕾拉。

    Make sure you watch your back with that guy , leila .

  7. 蕾拉,你知道那个混血儿怎么了吗?

    Leila , do you know what 's happened to the dhampir hunter ?

  8. 1999年的今天,艾力克·克莱普顿用来录蕾拉这首名曲的吉他以49万7千500元的拍卖价被售出。

    1999-The guitar with which Eric Clapton recorded Layla is sold at auction for $ 497,500 .

  9. 谈到学业问题,身穿赫蕾拉美仑美奂时装的男孩根本无法与穿同样时装的女孩相比。

    When it comes to schooling , the Herrera boys are no match for the Herrera girls .

  10. 略略镇定后,维蕾拉到机舱前部去告诉史密斯她的经历。

    Regaining her composure , Varela went to the front of the plane to tell Smith of her adventure .

  11. 如果布罗尔和瓦蕾拉在漫画最后不勾搭上,我就把我帽子吃了。

    If Valeera and Broll don 't hook up by the end of the comic , I 'll eat my hat .

  12. 布罗尔和瓦蕾拉扯了很多对方的阵营问题,貌似直到到达奥格瑞玛才结束。

    Broll and Valeera bitch some more about each other 's allegiances , which seems to last until the caravan arrives in orgrimmar .

  13. 瓦蕾拉在布罗尔所称的新部落朋友面前表现得十分不错,而布罗尔有了点小麻烦他不能变形了,而作为一个野性德鲁伊,他基本就废了。

    Valeera holds up pretty well against what Broll calls her new Horde allies , but Broll is having some issues & he can 't shift into feral forms , and as a feral druid , he 's pretty much useless .