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  • blue helmet
  1. 它是向该地区派驻蓝盔部队最多的西方国家。

    It is the Western country that stationed the most blue helmet troops in this area .

  2. 他们头戴联合国蓝盔或蓝贝雷帽,作为联合国维和人员标识。

    They are identified as UN peacekeepers by a UN blue helmet or beret and a UN badge .

  3. 至今,在24项重要的维和行动中,35000多名中国军人戴上了“蓝盔”。

    So far , over 35-thousand Chinese troops have the ' blue helmet ' in 24 different major peacekeeping operations .

  4. 他说,蓝盔部队日益增长的需求是许多冲突正在得到解决的好兆头。

    The growing demand for blue helmets , he says , is a good sign that a number of conflicts are ending .

  5. 他是多么热切盼望爸爸能凯旋而归,把那顶象征着和平的“蓝盔”戴在自己的头上。

    He is how eager look forward to father can triumphal and return , the " of " blue armet that indicative peace wears the head in oneself to go up .