
lán tiān
  • blue sky
  1. 他站在那里,头向后仰,衬托在蓝天下。

    He stood there , head back , framed against the blue sky .

  2. 白雪覆盖的高山在蓝天的映衬下格外醒目。

    The snow-capped mountain stood out in sharp relief against the blue sky .

  3. 到加拿大来享受蓝天碧野吧!

    Come to Canada and enjoy the great outdoors .

  4. 乌云渐渐散开,露出了蓝天,这和她的情绪形成了鲜明的对照。

    In sharp contrast to her mood , the clouds were breaking up to reveal a blue sky .

  5. 灰色的云团中透出一小片蓝天。

    There was a small patch of blue in the grey clouds .

  6. 一个个巨大的气球在头顶的蓝天中漂浮着。

    Huge balloons bobbed about in the sky above

  7. 燕子在万里无云的蓝天飞翔。

    There were swallows in the cloudless blue sky

  8. 透过墙上的缝隙她可以看到一线蓝天。

    Through a chink in the wall she could see a bit of the blue sky .

  9. 在蓝天的陪衬下,城堡显得轮廓分明。

    The castle stood out in relief against the blue sky .

  10. 蓝天溶入绿色风景之中。

    The blue of the sky melted into the green landscape .

  11. 红旗在蓝天的映衬下显得分外鲜艳。

    Red flags stand out brightly , set against the blue sky .

  12. 在蓝天的映衬下,这座山轮廓分明。

    The mountain is relieved against the blue sky .

  13. 在晴朗的蓝天下我们走回家中。

    We walked home below a bright blue sky .

  14. "是的,蓝天、白云、绿树和五颜六色的花朵构成了一幅美丽的图画。"汤姆回答。

    " Yes , the blue sky , the white clouds , the green trees and the colorful flowers made a nice picture . " Tom answered .

  15. 为了重现这样的蓝天,许多北京和周边城市的工厂都停工了,路上的车辆也减少了。

    To get such a blue sky , many factories in Beijing and nearby cities stopped work , and the number of cars on the road was cut .

  16. 为了保障9月份G20峰会期间的蓝天,主办城市浙江省杭州市以及周边区域近期发布了防治空气污染的规划。

    To ensure blue skies during September 's G20 Summit , host city Hangzhou , Zhejiang province , and surrounding regions recently released plans to restrict air pollution .

  17. (这些桃花在蓝天的映衬下是如此美丽。)

    These peach blossoms look so beautiful against the blue sky .

  18. 预示着好天气的晴朗蓝天

    a clear blue sky betokening a fine day

  19. 我把你的名字写在蓝天,可风却把它吹散。

    I wrote your name in the sky , but the wind blew it away .

  20. 每当它盘旋在空中,就会带来一阵旋风,它一次奋飞9万里,翱翔在蓝天雾海,直到南海。

    When it wheeled up into the air a whirlwind arose , and in each flight it covered ninety thousand li , flying above the misty vapours under the sky , to the Southern Ocean .

  21. 蓝天公园敬上(若欲了解更具体的情况,请拨打电话020-82113333)假设你是某公司或企业市场拓展部经理,写一封E-mail,向大家推销一样自己公司的产品或服务

    Sincerely , Blue sky Park ( For further information , please dial 020-82113333 )

  22. 面对中国加入WTO后世界一体化浪潮的冲击,其胜人有信心和决心来迎接挑战,驰骋未来,翱翔蓝天!

    Facing the wave of the economic internationalization after China Joined WTO , the Qisheng people have the confidence and determination to meet the challenge and try to make higher achievements !

  23. 因此,这一勺冰淇淋大行其道,从乔治亚州到亚利桑那州再到华盛顿州,零度之下冰淇淋公司(SubZero)和蓝天乳品店(BlueSkyCreamery)这样的小企业都深受其恩。

    The result is scoopable ice cream that has supported franchises like sub zero ice cream and blue sky creamery from Georgia to Arizona to Washington state .

  24. 在炫目的蓝天和白色冰山背景下,Fries绕着北极跑了一小圈。

    In the dazzling image of blue sky and white ice , Fries makes a tiny lap around the North Pole .

  25. 尽管小型项目和“蓝天”项目将仍然有可能存在,Rothschild说研究将由大项目占据主流。

    Although small and'blue sky'projects will still be possible , Rothschild says that research will become dominated by mega-programmes .

  26. 十年前,北京开始统计蓝天天数,测量二氧化硫、二氧化氮含量和PM10。

    A decade ago , Beijing introduced the Blue Sky program to measure sulfur dioxide , nitrogen dioxide and PM10 .

  27. 任何一位刷过照片社交网Instagram的人,很可能都看到过那些让人羡慕嫉妒恨的美图——一望无际的蓝天、令人钦佩的瑜伽动作和有格调的早餐陈列。

    Anyone who has ever taken a digital stroll through their Instagram feed is likely to be confronted with the same envy inducing pictures - endless blue skies , impressive yoga posturing and stylish breakfast spreads .

  28. 这里或许就是所谓的人间天堂了。在英属维尔京群岛850英亩的Guana岛上,除了蓝天、白云和银沙滩,还有茂密的热带丛林,网球场和潜水点供你独享。

    How 's this for a fantasy & 850 acres of white-sand beaches , tropical foliage , hiking trails , tennis courts and dive sites reserved solely for you .

  29. 我们正乘坐着私人飞机公司NetJets一款最新型的飞机,飞翔在南欧晴朗的蓝天中。飞机从贝尔格莱德飞往摩纳哥,德约科维奇与妻子伊莲娜(Jelena)还有他们11个月大的儿子斯特凡(Stefan)居住在摩纳哥。

    We are in the clear blue sky of southern Europe in one of the newest models in the fleet of NetJets , a private jet company , travelling from Belgrade to Monaco , where Djokovic lives with his wife Jelena and their 11-month old son , Stefan .

  30. 治理大气污染,还城市一片蓝天!

    Control air pollution and bring back city 's blue sky !