
All employees are obligated to immediately report observed violations of the code and illegal or unethical behavior to supervisors or the company 's Audit Committee of the board of directors .
Actions the Board or committee takes as a result of its findings , including special investigations as needed .
Boards and audit committees have an oversight role to determine that appropriate risk management processes are in place and that these processes are adequate and effective .
Therefore , this section on internal audit executives , boards of Directors and its Audit Committee and External Auditors conducted a review of research on the relationship .
Internal auditors should determine that management and the board , audit committee , or other governing body have a clear understanding that information security is a management responsibility .
The first section of this chapter describes the listed company governable model of financial reporting fraud based on the main game participants , the broad financial reporting fraud management participants include regulators , external auditors , internal auditors , company executives , board of directors and the audit committee .
The third part makes a review on legislation of the listed companies ' supervision system in the major countries from the two Legal Systems .
After analyzed the existed problems of internal audit in ZV group , this paper put forward as follows suggestion : strengthen to develop the audit committee under the board of directors ;
The result of logistic regression shows that board meeting times audit committee Related financial fraud on the significance level of5 % . Other features do not have significant correlation .
The result of T test indicates there are significance differences in the variables of independent directors ratio , board meeting times and audit committee . but the variables of other features are not show significances between fraud firms and no-fraud firms .
As part of its plans , Qunar will expand its board to nine seats from seven . And one of its most important board committees , the audit committee , will be stocked entirely with independent directors , the people said .