
  • 网络glaxo;GlaxoSmithKline;Glaxo Wellcome
  1. 所以葛兰素和其他制造商要赶到没流行前在当前流行的H5N1型病毒基础上将疫苗制造出来。

    So Glaxo and other manufacturers are working on pre-pandemic vaccines that can be manufactured today , based on current knowledge of H5N1 .

  2. 新加坡表示他们将从葛兰素史克(GSK(GlaxoSmithKline))购买100万支疫苗。

    Singapore says it is buying one million doses from the manufacturer Glaxo Smithkline .

  3. 与另一家饱受攻击的富时100成份股公司&英国石油(BP)一样,葛兰素史克也体会到了政治环境是如此的严酷和变幻莫测。

    Like BP , another FTSE 100 company under attack , GSK is finding the political climate hard and capricious .

  4. 另一个例证是,葛兰素史克公司的研究人员最近描述了一种以IIA型拓扑异构酶为作用目标的新的抗菌剂。

    Another example is that of researchers at GlaxoSmithKline who recently described a novel class of antibacterial agents that target type IIA topoisomerases .

  5. 通过鼓励患者将药品用于美国食品药品监督管理局(USFoodandDrugAdministration)批准范围之外的用途,葛兰素史克取得了可观的短期销售业绩,但也为监管机构的一系列整治行动埋下了种子。

    By promoting drugs beyond the uses approved by the US Food and Drug Administration , GSK generated substantial short-term sales but lay the foundations for a series of regulatory actions .

  6. 美国司法部(usdepartmentofjustice)提交的法庭文件称,葛兰素史克“将现金贿赂伪装成咨询费、高价餐费、周末休闲活动开支和奢侈娱乐活动开支”。

    The US Department of Justice legal filings said GSK made use of " cash payments disguised as consulting fees , expensive meals , weekend boondoggles and lavish entertainment " .

  7. 另一种疫苗是由美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth/NIH)和葛兰素史克公司(GlaxoSmithKline)的研究人员研发的,该疫苗使用了黑猩猩感冒病毒。

    The other , which uses a cold virus that infects chimpanzees , was developed by researchers at the National Institutes of Health and GlaxoSmithKline .

  8. 英国的制药公司葛兰素史克排在榜首,之后是以色列的海水淡化企业IDE科技,以及美国的跨国企业集团通用电气。

    British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline topped the list , followed by Israeli water desalination firm IDE Technologies and U.S. multinational conglomerate General Electric .

  9. 其中一种疫苗是由美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)和葛兰素史克公司(GlaxoSmithKline)的研究人员研发的,另一种由加拿大政府和纽琳基因公司(NewLinkGenetics)研发。

    One of them was developed by the National Institutes of Health and GlaxoSmithKline , and the other by the Canadian government and NewLink Genetics .

  10. 默克公司讲话人暗示,该公司将会妥帖措置FDA此次会议,但不管是否获得FDA核准,葛兰素史克都将接管该药物的市场开发权。

    Merck will handle that FDA meeting , but Glaxo will take over marketing of the drug should the FDA grant approval , the Merck spokesman said .

  11. 一位葛兰素史克发言人表示,如果这次FDA再拒绝申请,两家公司也不知道还能做些什么,但葛兰素史克将拥有洛伐他汀市场开发权这一点是肯定的。

    Glaxo spokesman said the companies haven 't decided what they will do if the FDA rejects the drug again , but Glaxo would own the marketing rights .

  12. 尽管默克和葛兰素已经做了一些HPV疫苗应用于男性的研究,但得到的数据还是远远少于女性。

    And while both Merck and Glaxo have done some research on using their HPV vaccines in boys , there are far fewer data for boys than for girls .

  13. 道琼斯报道,该公司美国制药业务主管ChrisViehbache星期四说,当媒体关注逐渐平息并且公司可以重新开始与医生进行沟通时,葛兰素会推进文雅迪的销售。

    Glaxo intends to boost sales Avandia once the attention from the media quiets down and the company can resume conversations with doctors , the company 's head of U.

  14. 我们不应过于同情葛兰素史克&文迪雅事件带给它的损失,要远远小于墨西哥湾漏油事件带给BP的损失,且该公司的营运利润率仍保持在30%左右。

    We should not feel too sorry for GSK – the Avandia affair is far less costly to it than the Gulf of Mexico spill to BP , and its operating margin remains at about 30 per cent .

  15. 英国的葛兰素史克药厂将负责替拜耳在美国行销vardenafil。

    British pharmaceutical GlaxoSmithKline factory will be responsible for Vardenafil 's sales in the US .

  16. 葛兰素史克公司希望使用RTS,S和另一家制药公司Crucell的一种疫苗的结合体来引起更强烈的免疫反应。

    GSK hopes to induce a stronger immune response by combining RTS , S with a vaccine from Crucell , another drug firm .

  17. 葛兰素史克(GSK)员工10多年前就曾被抓到贿赂中国官员,消息传出后,该公司再次被美国检方置于放大镜下。

    GlaxoSmithKline faces further scrutiny from US prosecutors after it emerged that staff were caught bribing Chinese officials more than a decade ago .

  18. 葛兰素史克公司发言人HollyRussell宣布,一项关于Lamictal的分析结果发现存在自杀想法和行为的趋势,这和FDA的分析相类似。

    Glaxo analysis of Lamictal found a trend for suicidal thoughts and behavior that was similar to the FDA analysis , company spokeswoman Holly Russell said .

  19. 通过谈判,葛兰素史克获得了在非洲以外市场销售Aspen旗下1200种仿制药并分享利润的优先权。

    The pharmaceuticals group has negotiated first right of refusal to sell and share profits on any of the 1,200 generic products owned by Aspen for markets outside Africa .

  20. 最近,葛兰素史克(GlaxoSmithKline)因非法阻止竞争对手的廉价抗抑郁药品的推出而受到罚款,这是另一个例子。

    The fine imposed last week on GlaxoSmithKIine for illegally stifling the launch of a cheap rival antidepressant is another example .

  21. 葛兰素史克(GSK)补充说,所有的受试流感病毒的亚型对扎那米韦没有耐药性,并且他们可以在2008-2009年感冒流行季节保证充足的供应。美国报告的流感毒株耐奥斯他韦(达菲)

    GSK have added that all tested influenza virus subtypes have shown no resistance to zanamivir and that they have sufficient supplies for the2008-2009 flu season .

  22. 为了应对今年的流感季节,葛兰素史克公司生产了约2400万支基于鸡蛋培养基生产的流感疫苗,在美国还有其他四家公司也在使用鸡蛋培养基技术。相比之下,ProteinSciences公司今年只推出了30万支FluBlok流感疫苗。

    For this year 's flu season , GlaxoSmithKline produced about 24 million vaccine doses using the egg-based method , and it is one of five companies producing traditional egg-based flu vaccines in the U.S. In comparison , Protein Sciences released 300000 FluBlok doses this season .

  23. 中国公安部7月份时对英国医药公司葛兰素史克(Glaxosmithklineplc,GSK,GSK.LN)进行立案调查,该公司被指控贿赂医生、医院和政府官员,以达到高价出售更多药品的目的。

    The Ministry of Public Security in July accused U.K. drug company GlaxoSmithKline PLC of bribing doctors , hospitals and government officials in an effort to sell more drugs at higher prices .

  24. 过去一年,英国制药公司葛兰素史克(GlaxoSmithKlinePLC.)的案件折射出许多外资企业高管所面临的危险。

    The hazards for many foreign business executives have played out over the past year in the case of British pharmaceutical firm GlaxoSmithKline PLC .

  25. 默克制药公司和葛兰素史克制药公司正准备推出这两种分别称作Rotateq和Rotarix的疫苗。

    Pharmaceutical companies Merck and GlaxoSmithKline are launching the vaccines , called Rotateq and Rotarix , respectively .

  26. 已经送到非洲的药物数量在规模上与葛兰素史克(GSK)的计划相仿。GSK在8月宣布,将制造1万剂与美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)合作开发的埃博拉实验性疫苗。

    The large amount of the drug already present in Africa puts it on a scale with GlaxoSmithKline 's plans , announced in August , to manufacture 10000 doses of an experimental Ebola vaccine being developed with the US National Institutes of Health .

  27. 比如说wpp二十多年前就第一次在中国举办了董事会会议,葛兰素史克去年也在印度召开了一次董事会会议。

    WPP , for example , first held a board meeting in China more than 20 years ago , while GSK held a board meeting in India last year .

  28. 制药公司葛兰素史克(GSK)宣布了在解决被忽视的热带病问题上的重大变革的计划,这一举动已经导致了激烈的辩论。

    The drug company GlaxoSmithKline ( GSK ) has announced plans for radical changes in the way it approaches neglected tropical diseases , a move that has caused intense debate .

  29. 葛兰素是在评估了Zantac对医生和病人的价值后,确定它的价格的。

    Glaxo based the price of Zantac on an assessment of its value to doctors and patients .

  30. 达菲(奥塞米韦)由GileadSciences公司授权罗氏公司生产,与其竞争对手&葛兰素公司的瑞乐莎(Relenza)作用相似,可以减轻感染的严重程度。

    Tamiflu , or oseltamivir , made by Roche under license from Gilead Sciences , can reduce the severity of infection , as can a rival drug , Relenza , made by GlaxoSmithKline .